Unable to provide userPrincipleName LDAP credentials for vCloud Director when using the on-premises vSphere Client plug-in for vCloud Availability 3.0
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Unable to provide userPrincipleName LDAP credentials for vCloud Director when using the on-premises vSphere Client plug-in for vCloud Availability 3.0


Article ID: 314970


Updated On: 05-29-2019


VMware Cloud Director


When you perform an action that requires you to enter vCloud Director credentials (such as creating a new protection or migration), after entering the userPrincipleName LDAP credentials the domain section of the username is automatically removed from the text field.


VMware vCloud Availability 3.0.x


This issue occurs because the vSphere Client plug-in for vCloud Availability automatically adds the Organization to the end of the username. If an @ symbol exists in the entered username, anything after the @ is replaced with the Organization name, resulting in the removal of the domain when using a userPrincipleName formatted username.


This is a known issue affecting the vSphere Client plug-in for vCloud Availability 3.0.
Currently, there is no resolution.

To work around this issue, you can perform one of the following actions:
  • As this issue only affects the vSphere Client plug-in, you can manage replications directly from the vCloud Availability Portal or from the vCloud Director plug-in with userPrincipleName LDAP users.
  • If you don't require usernames to fit the userPrincipleName format, you can change the Organization level LDAP settings in vCloud Director back to the default samAccountName username format. Then you need to re-import the LDAP users into the Organization for authentication.
  • You can create a local vCloud Director user in the Organization as a replication management user and use this when supplying vCloud Director credentials in the vSphere Client plug-in.