- When performing a test failover to a cloud site using vCloud Availability, the recovered VM fails to power on.
- When you try to manually power on the VM from the vCloud Director Tenant Portal, you see the error:
[########-####-####-####-########f842] Unable to perform this action. Contact your cloud administrator.
- In /opt/vmware/h4/cloud/log/cloud.log on the vApp Replication Manager, you see the following entry:
2019-11-07 03:00:58.495 DEBUG - [UI__########-####-####-####-########39c8_Xw] [task-poller-5] : Failed to power on vapp.DebugInfo = com.vmware.ssdc.library.exceptions.GenericVimFaultException: Underlying system error:
Failed to start the virtual machine.
Module 'DevicePowerOn' power on failed.
Could not set up 'macAddress' for 'ethernet0'.
Invalid MAC address specified.
Impermissible static Ethernet address: '##:##:##:##:##:d7'. It conflicts with VMware reserved MACs.
vCenter Server task (moref: task-1665) failed in vCenter Server 'vc' (########-####-####-####-########06a2)., details = [ ########-####-####-####-########31b0 ] Underlying system error: , taskId = urn:vcloud:task:########-####-####-####-########6948
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.