How to know when Antrea support should be engaged
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How to know when Antrea support should be engaged


Article ID: 314957


Updated On:


VMware NSX


This article provides guidance on when a case should be opened or transferred to the Antrea support team


The following conditions must be met in order to qualify a case as needing support from the Antrea team:
  1. The customer's environment is experiencing network related issue with Containers/Kubernetes.
  2. The Cluster Networking Interface (CNI) in use within the affected environment is Antrea.
Note: You can determine if Antrea is deployed by running a command similar to the following:
kubectl get po -A -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{": "}{.spec.containers[*].image}{"\n"}{"\n"}' |grep -i antrea

This command lists the pod names and images used by the containers in the pods, where either has "antrea" in them. You should see at least one line of output. Output should look similar to the following:

  1. The Antrea image binaries are signed by VMware.
Note: You can run a command similar to the one used in Step 2 as it shows the pod names and the image(s) used to build the containers in the pod. If the image repository/name and tag/version is similar to either of the following, it is signed by VMware:

In the first example, the image tag/version is a hash but the image repository is, indicating that it was provided by VMware (and also signed by VMware).
In the second example, the image tag/version is v0.9.3_vmware.1, indicating that is is signed by VMware.

If the Atrea image binaries are not signed by VMware, the image repository/name and tag/version might look similar to the following:

  1. The issue is impacting an Antrea feature :
Antrea provides the following functionality:
  • Pod Connectivity
  • Service type : clusterIP
  • Service Type: NodePort
  • Network Policies
Antrea does not provide the following functionality:
  • Service type: LoadBalancer
  • Cluster ingress

Additional Information

Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster Networking
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Networking

Install Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition on vSphere Using Ops Manager (Antrea and Flannel Networking)
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