Rest calls in Aria Orchestrator 8.12 using the Aria Automation plugin with special characters may fail with 400 Invalid request body
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Rest calls in Aria Orchestrator 8.12 using the Aria Automation plugin with special characters may fail with 400 Invalid request body


Article ID: 314933


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Rest calls initiated in Aria Orchestrator using the Aria Automation plugin with special characters may fail with 400 Invalid request body after upgrade to Aria Automation 8.12
  • The logfiles contain errors similar to:

2023-05-03 09:24:33.713 +02:00INFO ErrorCode: 400
2023-05-03 09:24:33.716 +02:00INFO Request Payload:

2023-05-03 09:24:33.717 +02:00INFO "{\"name\":\"Test with special character like Ü \"}"
2023-05-03 09:24:33.718 +02:00INFO Response: {"message":"Invalid request body.","statusCode":400,"errorCode":10002}


VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.12.x
VMware Aria Automation 8.12.x


To resolve the issue add an additional header to the rest api request specifying the character set as utf-8:

var restClient = vraHost.createRestClient()
var request = restClient.createRequest(method, path, content)

request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

Additional Information

In previous versions when the user does not specifically mention the Content-Type in headers it was passed from the plugin. After recent changes to enhance support for other Content-types in vRealize Automaiton 8.11.2, the charset is no longer passed by default in the Content-type, which causes the issue.

The Aria Automaiton 8.13.1 version will revert to previous behaviour of passing the charset by default in the Content-type header.