ERROR vco [host='vco-app-<id>' thread='vcoSystemTaskScheduler-4' user='' org='' trace=''] {} com.vmware.o11n.service.version.ExternalVersionControlManager - Failed to run : class com.vmware.o11n.service.version.ExternalVersionControlManager$PushTask. Reason: Push to remote failed
java.lang.RuntimeException: Push to remote failed
at [?:?]
Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.JGitInternalException: Could not resolve uniquely the abbreviated object ID
at org.eclipse.jgit.api.RebaseCommand.processStep( ~[org.eclipse.jgit-]
To workaround the issue follow one of the options outlined below:
Warning: This procedure will clear all local version history from the Orchestrator before proceeding best practice dictates you first snapshot the Aria Automation Orchestrator server.
Option 1:
Warning: This procedure will delete all items that are seen as changes in the “Git History” page
1. (Optional) Export all Orchestrator Content that is needed in a Package
2. Go to the “Git History” section of the Orchestrator client and select “Discard all” button
3. Verify Pull is successful from the “Git History” section of the Orchestrator client
4. (Optional) Re-import the content that was previously exported
Option 2:
1. (Optional) Export all Orchestrator Content that you need to be included in Version History in a Package
2. Disable the active repository from the “Git Repositories” section of the Orchestrator Client
3. SSH into the Orchestrator VA as root and run the following command:
Note: Running this command will restart the Orchestrator server on all nodes
vracli cluster exec -- bash -c 'base64 -d <<< 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 | bash -'
4. Wait for the Orchestrator server to start
5. Enable the repository from the “Git Repositories” section of the Orchestrator Client
6. Verify Pull is successful from the “Git History” section of the Orchestrator client
7. (Optional) Re-import the content that was previously exported to include it in the local git repository