Cannot trigger new log bundle creation in Aria Suite Lifecycle as a logbundle request is already in progress
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Cannot trigger new log bundle creation in Aria Suite Lifecycle as a logbundle request is already in progress


Article ID: 314877


Updated On: 08-14-2023


VMware Aria Suite


  • Trying to generate a Aria Suite Lifecycle is not possible as a logbundle is already in progress.
  • Reviewing the history of all Requests there is no log bundle request existing.


VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x


This issue can occur if the log bundle request never completed and was deleted.


To recover the Aria Suite Lifecycle database needs to be modified, before proceeding please take a Backup of the Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance.
  1. Connect to the Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance via ssh with the root user.
  2. Connect to the database: 
    /opt/vmware/vpostgres/11/bin/psql -U postgres -d vrlcm -h localhost
  3. Review any open log bundle request:
    SELECT vmid, name, lastupdatedon, value FROM vm_lcops_settings where name='logbundledownload' ORDER BY lastupdatedon;
  4. Review and extract the vmid of the latest request where value column is not empty
  5. Update the request to set value column as empty
    UPDATE vm_lcops_settings set value='' WHERE vmid='<vmid from Step 3>';
  6. Login to the Aria Aria Suite Lifecycle UI and valdiate log bundle generation now succeeds.