Check: VMware Identity Manager ports opened check Result Description: Check if VMware Identity Manager ports are opened. Port 80 is not opened Recommendations: Ensure that VMware Identity Manager ports are opened on host: <vIDM Appliance hostname>
Note: Before proceeding with steps snapshot the vidm node as best practise precaution:
To resolve the issue restart the iptables service,
1) SSH to the vIDM appliance and login with the root user
2) Restart the iptables service:
service iptables restart
3) Validate if the issue is resolved. If the issue persists than list the current iptable entries for the affected node:
iptables -L
4) If there is another vidm node present the iptable entries can be compared and any missing rules can be added using the iptables -A command. For example:
iptables -A <chain> -j <target>