Due to architecture changes in the 8.x release the Orchestrator heap dumps can no longer be collected from the Control Center interface.
The heap dump can be manually collected with the following steps:
"VCO_APP_PODS=$(kubectl get pod -n prelude -l app=vco-app -o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.name}"); for VCO_APP in $VCO_APP_PODS; do kubectl -n prelude exec -it $VCO_APP -c vco-server-app -- bash -c "jcmd 1 GC.heap_dump /var/log/collected-logs/heapdump-$( date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M' ).hprof"; done"
The head dumps are available in the '/services-logs/prelude/vco-app/file-logs/' directory on each of the nodes, and will also be collected in log bundles.
Users are unable to generate the heap dump from control center.