Logging differences between upgraded and newly deployed vRealize Orchestrator 8.x instances
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Logging differences between upgraded and newly deployed vRealize Orchestrator 8.x instances


Article ID: 314853


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The logging format has changed in the vRealize Orchestrator 8.11.x RELEASE. The main logfile has been split into multiple files for easier debugging.
  • The change however is only present in newly deployed vRealize Orchestrator appliances. The decision was made not to alter the logging configuration file during upgrades in order to preserve any custom changes to the logging configuration.
  • Newly deployed appliances will contain separate files:


  • Upgraded instances will log the same content but it will be included in the single main logfile:



VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x


The behaviour is by design. If you wish to leverage the newer logging format on upgraded vRO instances to split the logging amongst multiple files see workaround section below.


To enable the newer logging format on upgraded vRealize Orchestrator instances perform the steps:

1. Snapshot vRealize Orchestrator as best practise pre-caution

2. Copy the /data/vco/usr/lib/vco/app-server/conf/log4j2.xml file from a newly deployed appliance to an upgraded one.

3. Run the following command to apply the changes

base64 -d <<< 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 | bash -