Long running Aria Orchestrator workflows with manual user interactions may fail when initiated via Aria Automation
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Long running Aria Orchestrator workflows with manual user interactions may fail when initiated via Aria Automation


Article ID: 314848


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VMware Aria Suite


  • Aria Orchestrator workflows which run for longer than 24 hours may fail when initiated via Aria Automation with errors similar to:

"error not able to find workflow token"

"Could not process request due to: Could not find information about request ID: 'xxxxxxxxx' for resource: 'xxxxx'


VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x


A scheduled job in the Resource Request Service deletes all the requested workflow runs that are older than 24 hours without checking if their status is final. This leads to errors when the workflow run takes more than 24 hours. For example when there are delays answering Manual User Interactions in the workflow.


A resolution for the issue is planned for inclusion in the Aria Automation 8.12.2 release