"Error Code: LCMVROPSYSTEM25000 Confirm that the specified node is a member of VMware Aria Operations cluster and the node is online and accessible" Error when performing inventory sync of Aria Operations
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"Error Code: LCMVROPSYSTEM25000 Confirm that the specified node is a member of VMware Aria Operations cluster and the node is online and accessible" Error when performing inventory sync of Aria Operations


Article ID: 314837


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Inventory sync fails for Aria Operations with: "Error Code: LCMVROPSYSTEM25000 Confirm that the specified node is a member of VMware Aria Operations cluster and the node is online and accessible"
  • The /var/log/vrlcm/vmware_vrlcm.log contains a stack trace similar to:

com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.common.vrops.exceptions.VropsAddressException: Not able to connect to VMware Aria Operations node <IP>
at com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.core.vrops.tasks.BaseConfigureVropsTask.init(BaseConfigureVropsTask.java:162) [vmlcm-vropsplugin-core-8.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:?]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:?]
2023-12-18 07:28:36.100 INFO [pool-3-thread-21] c.v.v.l.p.a.s.Task - – Injecting task failure event. Error Code : 'LCMVROPSYSTEM25157', Retry : 'true', Causing Properties : '

{ CAUSE :: }

com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.plugin.common.vrops.exceptions.ProductHealthStatusException: Unable to initialize the health check task, check whether VMware Aria Operations server is up and reachable from VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle Manager

  • All connectivity tests succeed between Aria Suite Lifecycle and Aria Operations appliances.
  • The Aria Operations node returns the expected response at the urls: 


  • The certificate leverage by Aria Operations Does Not match the certificate Aria Suite Lifecycle has referenced for it


VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.x


The issue occurs when the Aria Operations certificate does not match the certificate stored in Aria Suite Lifecycle


To resolve the Issue:

1. Manually Replace the Aria Operations Certificate: The first step involves manually replacing the existing certificate for Aria Operations with the certificate referenced by Aria Suite Lifecycle. You can follow the detailed instructions provided in the 'Install a New Certificate in VMware Aria Operations' section of KB article KB-2046591. This method ensures that the certificate is properly aligned with the requirements set by Aria Suite Lifecycle.

2. Alternatively, Replace the Default Certificate in Aria Operations: If preferred, you may opt to replace the default certificate in Aria Operations by adhering to the procedures outlined in KB article KB-326393. This provides an alternative approach to rectify any certificate mismatch issues.

Once the certificate mismatch has been resolved, You can go ahead and replace the certificate replacement tasks for Aria Operations can be directly through Aria Suite Lifecycle.