Error Code: LCMMYVMWARE60024 LCMMYVMWARE60024 Error occurred while downloading product binaries from MyVMware account : <MyVMware account> Please check the logs for more detailsDownloaded file checksum did NOT match for file '' of 'vidm-3.3.7'.
INFO [pool-3-thread-24] c.v.v.l.d.s.h.SourceMappingUtil - -- Version : 3.3.7
ERROR [pool-3-thread-24] c.v.v.l.d.s.h.SourceMappingUtil - -- The checksum of the zip file seems to be incorrect.
INFO [pool-3-thread-24] c.v.v.l.d.s.h.SourceMappingUtil - -- Extract directory /data/tempextract/<id>/ for source file '/data/myvmware/vidm/3.3.7/install/' is deleted.
ERROR [pool-3-thread-24] c.v.v.l.d.m.h.MyVmwareDownloadUtil - -- Downloaded file checksum did NOT match for file '' of 'vidm-3.3.7'.
ERROR [pool-3-thread-24] c.v.v.l.p.c.m.t.MyVmwareDownloadTask - -- Failed :: Download VMware Aria Product Binaries com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.common.exception.userinput.myvmware.MyVmwareChecksumMismatchException: Downloaded file checksum did NOT match for file '' of 'vidm-3.3.7'.
For Aria Suite lifecycle version 8.10 the issue is resolved in Aria Suite lifecycle 8.10 product support pack 18.
For Aria Suite lifecycle version 8.12 the issue is resolved in Aria Suite lifecycle 8.12 patch 2.
For Aria Suite lifecycle version 8.14 the issue is resolved in Aria Suite lifecycle 8.14 patch 1.