VMware vRealize Automation 7.5.x
To resolve this problem:
Prior to performing the below, please ensure to snapshot each vRA appliance.
Note there are two scripts attached to this article. For vRA environments with less than 50 deployment objects use the 'touch_all_deploymentsSmall.sh' script. For vRA environments with more than 50 deployment objects use the 'touch_all_deploymentsLarge.sh' script.
1. Depending on Number of deployments download the relevant shell script to the primary vRealize Automation appliance.
2. Give the script executable permissions:
chmod +x 'touch_all_deploymentsLarge.sh'
chmod +x 'touch_all_deploymentsSmall.sh'
3. Run the script using:
4. Enter the vRA environment URL when prompted (this should be JUST the base URL (eg: https://my-vra-environment.local)
The 'https://' is required to be entered when prompted for URL or else the script will not run.
5. Enter a tenant admin username when prompted. You can also enter a business group admin username, but if you do this, you will need to re-run this script for each business group in your environment.
6. Enter the password for the user you entered above.
7. Let the script run. It should print out a rolling log of how many deployments are being refreshed and having their provider/keyword data repopulated.
8. Log into the vRA UI and confirm that the search function now returns deployments/machines as expected.