2018-11-07 09:58:26,476 vcac: [component="cafe:catalog" priority="ERROR" thread="queue-pool-executer-2" tenant="self-service" context="AiAHUcNn" parent="JLdiVpQN" token="H2WNFwPX"] com.vmware.vcac.catalog.events.RequestLifecycleEventListener.requestApproved:102 - Request [RequestId ="<Request_ID>" TenantName="" SubtenantName=""] : Error processing request approved event for request
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Delegated token must be instance of class com.vmware.vcac.authentication.http.spring.oauth2.OAuth2Token: null
com.vmware.vcac.catalog.events.RequestLifecycleEventListener.requestApproved:102 - Request [RequestId ="<Request_ID>" TenantName="" SubtenantName=""] : Error processing request approved event for request java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Delegated token must be instance of class
The requestor token expires at 7 days. After the requestor token expires, it is deleted from the vPostgres database.
Because the requestor token is no longer within the database, the delegated token returns a null value.