"Extensibility consumer error(20999) - TypeError: Cannot call method "createAdvancedDesignerClient" error in vRA 7.1
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"Extensibility consumer error(20999) - TypeError: Cannot call method "createAdvancedDesignerClient" error in vRA 7.1


Article ID: 314813


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Deploying Catalog item/Blueprint fails when using Active Directory policy associated with business group.
  • In the vRealize Orchestrator integration-scripting.log file, you see entries similar to:

    wfname="Add machine to active directory (Event Broker)" anctoken wfstack="<UUID>" instanceid="<UUID>"] Workflow execution stack:
    274 ***
    275: item: 'Add machine to active directory (Event Broker)/item3', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'TypeError: Cannot call method "createAdvancedDesignerClient" of undefined (Dynamic Script Module name : getPolicyConfig#12607)'
    276 workflow: 'Add machine to active directory (Event Broker)' (<Workflow_UUID>)
    277 | 'attribute': name=ou type=AD:OrganizationalUnit value=__NULL__

  • In the vRealize Orchestrator scripting.log file, you see error message similar to:

    item: 'Add machine to active directory (Event Broker)/item3', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'TypeError: Cannot call method "createAdvancedDesignerClient" of undefined (Dynamic Script Module name : getPolicyConfig#12607)'
    workflow: 'Add machine to active directory (Event Broker)' (<Workflow_UUID>)
    | 'attribute': name=ou type=AD:OrganizationalUnit value=__NULL__


VMware vRealize Automation 7.1.x


This issue occurs when the tenant name contains capital letters due to which the tenant check fails as it is case sensitive.
Note: This is a new feature in vRealize Automation 7.1.


This issue is resolved in vRealize Automation 7.2, available at VMware Downloads.
  • If the tenant is already created, it is not possible to change the name. Create a new tenant using all lower case letters. This would require re-creating all Day 2 operations.
  • VMware recommends to upgrade the environment to vRealize Automation 7.2.