Overall Status: Normal
Hostname: <vRealize Automation_FQDN>
Status: Upgraded
Cluster Member: Yes
Version Before:
Version After:
Description: The node is upgraded successfully.
Hostname: <vRealize Automation_FQDN>
Status: Upgraded
Cluster Member: Yes
Version Before:
Version After:
Description: The node is upgraded successfully.
Hostname: <vRealize Automation_FQDN>
Status: Upgraded
Cluster Member: Yes
Version Before:
Version After:
Description: The node is upgraded successfully.
[ERROR][2023-03-03 10:47:39][<vRealize Automation_FQDN>] Pod: vco-app-xxxxxx is not in Ready or Completed state. All pods must be in either of these states.
[ERROR][2023-03-03 10:47:39][<vRealize Automation_FQDN>] Pod: vco-app-xxxxxx is not in Ready or Completed state. All pods must be in either of these states.
[ERROR][2023-03-03 10:47:39][<vRealize Automation_FQDN>] Services verification found errors.
This is a known issue when the vco pods are delayed on startup, resulting in a health check failure even though the upgrade is a success.
The Issue is resolved in the vRealize Automation 8.10.1 release
To workaround this issue resume the upgrade on the vRealize Automation appliance with command below.
vracli upgrade exec --resume
Once you have ran the command above and the upgrade is a success you can clear the request in vRealize Life Cycle Manager using swagger API or retry the request with revert to snapshot option set to "false"
vRealize Lifecycle Manager shows the upgrade as failed and prompts a revert to snapshot and no option to skip the process.