IaaS website node upgrade fails when upgrading from 6.2.x to 7.x
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IaaS website node upgrade fails when upgrading from 6.2.x to 7.x


Article ID: 314780


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The primary IaaS website node upgrade fails while upgrading or migrating from vRA 6.2.x to vRA 7.3.1/vRA 7.4.
  • Multiple upgrade-governance calls are triggered from the primary IaaS web node.
  • In the IaaS upgrade logs, you see entries similar to:
com.vmware.vcac.platform.service.rest.resolver.ApplicationExceptionHandler.handleConflict:714 - Object of class [com.vmware.vcac.catalog.domain.Entitlement] with identifier [<UUID>]: optimistic locking failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [com.vmware.vcac.catalog.domain.Entitlement#<UUID>]


VMware vRealize Automation 7.x


This issue is resolved in VMware vRealize Automation 7.5, available at VMware Downloads.

To work around this issue if you do not want to upgrade:
  1. Rollback the environment to the pre-upgrade backup state.
  2. Connect with Remote Desktop to the the Primary IaaS Website node.
  3. Navigate to <IaaS installation location>\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\ directory.
  4. Open the Vcac-Config.exe.config file for editing.
  5. Add the following settings located in the <appSettings> configuration section and configure your preferred timeout values:
<add key="cafeTimeoutInSeconds" value="3600" />
<add key="cafeRequestPageSize" value="10" />


<add key="cafeTimeoutInSeconds" value="3600" />
<add key="cafeRequestPageSize" value="10" />
  1. Retry the vRA upgrade/migration again.