Removing a virtual machine from vRealize Automation 7.x using Cloud Client
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Removing a virtual machine from vRealize Automation 7.x using Cloud Client


Article ID: 314777


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VMware Aria Suite


This article provides steps to remove a virtual machine from vRealize Automation 7.x using the Cloud Client.

You may want to remove a virtual machine from vRealize Automation if:
  • A virtual machine is being managed without being deleted from the endpoint.
  • You want to manually remove the machine from the endpoint.
  • You want to remove and then re-import virtual machine in vRealize Automation.


VMware vRealize Automation 7.x


Removing a managed virtual machine resource from vRealize Automation 7.x requires the installation of vRealize CloudClient, followed by a command to unregister the required virtual machine from the system.  This is a change in process from vRealize Automation 6.x versions.
To remove a virtual machine from Management in VMware vRealize Automation 7 using Cloud Client:
Note: This functionality is available in vRealize Cloud Client 4.0 and later only.
  1. Download an applicable Cloud Client release from the Broadcom Support Portal
  2. Install and log in to the Cloud Client.
  3. Log in to the vRealize Automation appliance by running this command:

    vra login userpass --user admin ID --tenant Tenant Name --server vRA FQDN --password Password
  4. Log in to the IAAS machine by running this command:

    vra login iaas --user service account --domain the domain --server web server --password Password
  5. Remove the unwanted machine from vRealize Automation by running this command:

    vra machines forceunregister --name name_of_the_VM

    Where name_of_VM is the name of a virtual machine.

    • You must log in to both the vRealize Automation and IaaS interfaces to use this command.
    • It may take 5 to 10 minutes to remove the virtual machine from the interface.
If the issue persists, use the manual method to remove the virtual machine using the stored procedure.
To use the stored procedure:
  1. Extract the contents of the attached file.
  2. Follow the instructions located in the readme.

Update statistics against the Infrastructure-as-a-Service database:

USE <vRADatabaseName>;
EXEC sp_updatestats;

If using vRealize Automation 7.5+, enable Datarollover settings to perform this action automatically:

  • Configure DataRollover UpdateStatistics = 1

Additional Information

You can find the documentation including other features with CloudClient at /docs/index.html.

For example, you can find the details to remove a virtual machine at index.html under Plugins > VRA PLUGIN > machines.

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