Removing a managed virtual machine resource from vRealize Automation 7.x requires the installation of vRealize CloudClient, followed by a command to unregister the required virtual machine from the system. This is a change in process from vRealize Automation 6.x versions.
To remove a virtual machine from Management in VMware vRealize Automation 7 using Cloud Client:
Note: This functionality is available in vRealize Cloud Client 4.0 and later only.
- Download an applicable Cloud Client release from the Broadcom Support Portal
Install and log in to the Cloud Client.
Log in to the vRealize Automation appliance by running this command:
vra login userpass --user admin ID --tenant Tenant Name --server vRA FQDN --password Password
Log in to the IAAS machine by running this command:
vra login iaas --user service account --domain the domain --server web server --password Password
Remove the unwanted machine from vRealize Automation by running this command:
vra machines forceunregister --name name_of_the_VM
Where name_of_VM is the name of a virtual machine.
If the issue persists, use the manual method to remove the virtual machine using the stored procedure.
To use the stored procedure:
- Extract the contents of the attached file.
- Follow the instructions located in the readme.
Update statistics against the Infrastructure-as-a-Service database:
USE <vRADatabaseName>;
EXEC sp_updatestats;
If using vRealize Automation 7.5+, enable Datarollover settings to perform this action automatically:
- Configure DataRollover UpdateStatistics = 1