"Access is denied" banner when opening deployment in Aria Automation 8.16.1
Article ID: 314731
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VMware Aria Suite
"Access is denied" banner when opening deployment in Aria Automation 8.16.1
The issue only affects regular users, administrator users are not affected. The issue is cosmetic in nature there is no functional impact.
The /var/log/services-logs/prelude/tango-blueprint-service-app/file-logs/tango-blueprint-service-app.log logfile contains an Access is denied exception similar to:
When any user opens a deployment, the UI tries to download the cloud template from which it was created. If you are an admin it works as designed, you have a download button next to the cloud template field. However if you are a normal user you see a 403 access is denied error. The issue arises as the deployment UI has a defect which shows the error to the user instead of silently handling it.
The issue is resolved in the Aria Automation 8.16.2 release.