Upgrade fails for Aria Automation 8.12 multi-tenant environments affected by branding issue outlined in KB92018
Upgrade fails for Aria Automation 8.12 multi-tenant environments affected by branding issue outlined in KB92018
Article ID: 314727
Updated On: 01-31-2025
VMware Aria Suite
The upgrade fails for Aria Automation 8.12 multi-tenant environments affected by branding issue outlined in KB92018.
The /services-logs/prelude/identity-service-app/file-logs/identity-service-app.log file contains a service definition already exists error:
2023-05-30T11:37:08.178Z WARN identity-service [host='identity-service-app-##########-#####' thread='jdbc-10' user='prelude-##########:prelude-########## (########-####-####-####-############)' org='csp' trace
='########-####-####-####-############'] c.v.a.s.w.p.s.util.SqlRetryableUtil.causeIsRecoverable:349 - Retry ID [n/a] - Non Recoverable SQL exc
com.vmware.identity.exception.ResourceAlreadyExistsException: Service definition with display name 'Assembler' already exists.
The/var/log/deploy.logfile will have a curl failure with a 409 response and the deployment will fail:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 409
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Deployment failed. Collecting log bundle ...
VMware Aria Automation 8.12.x
The issue occurs when an upgrade is attempted on a multi-tenant Aria Automation 8.12 environment affected by KB92018 before the resolution steps outlined in the knowledge base article are performed.
To resolve the issue:
1. Revert to backups taken prior to initiating the upgrade. 2. Apply the resolution steps from KB92018. 3. Initiate again the upgrade.