"Unregister action is not supported on [Resource Name] machine connected to an Ansible component" in Aria Automation
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"Unregister action is not supported on [Resource Name] machine connected to an Ansible component" in Aria Automation


Article ID: 314709


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • As per the message generated in the UI the unregister action is currently not supported on Virtual Machines deployed with an Ansible component:
"Unregister action is not supported on [Resource Name] machine connected to an Ansible component" in Aria Automation


VMware Aria Automation 8.x


The unregister action is not supported on Virtual Machines deployed with an Ansible component:


The issue is pending a resolution.


To workaround the issue you can remove the Ansible component from the parent template object and perform an iterative update against the deployment, this will remove the Ansible component from the affected deployment:

1. Snapshot Aria Automation appliances as a best practice precaution.
2. Navigate to Cloud Assembly > Design > Templates - Open the relevant template.
3. Select the Ansible resource and delete.
4. Select deploy
5. Under deployment type - Select the dropdown option - Select Update an existing deployment
6. Select the specific deployment
7. Select Next - on the Plan window you should see confirmation the Ansible Resource is to be deleted.
8. Deploy