Deployments with additional disks on SDRS clusters using a VM template from a content library succeed but the additional disks are in a detached state and not created in vSphere
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Deployments with additional disks on SDRS clusters using a VM template from a content library succeed but the additional disks are in a detached state and not created in vSphere


Article ID: 314708


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Deployments with additional disks in Aria Automation on an SDRS cluster using a VM template from a content library succeeds but the additional disks are in a detached state.
  • Additional disk in Aria Automation has the message:
This resource no longer exists in the deployment
  • The Disk shows as detached state in the Aria Automation provisioning service logs:
2023-11-30T13:40:52.088Z INFO provisioning [host='provisioning-service-app-x' thread='xn-index-queries-15' user='' org='' trace='' parent='' span=''] - DiskEnhancer: Storage Profile [<StorageProfileName>] was found applicable for Disk State: name Cloud_vSphere_Disk_1[0]-<DiskName>] ,status [DETACHED] ,origin [DEPLOYED] ,capacity [<Capacity>] ,lifecycleState [PROVISIONING] ,id [<Id>] ,documentSelfLink [/resources/disks/Id]
  • The vpxd logs in vCenter show a failure to parse the disk name into a DS URL or name:
2023-11-30T13:42:32.434Z info vpxd[13842] [Originator@6876 sub=drmLogger opID=2c464516] hostId <hostId> not in inventory
2023-11-30T13:42:32.434Z error vpxd[13842] [Originator@6876 sub=MoDatastore opID=2c464516] Failed to parse <MachineName>/Cloud_vSphere_Disk_1[0]-<DiskName>.vmdk into a DS URL or Name


VMware Aria Automation 8.x


The issue is a current limitation of Content library functionality. Deploying a VMTX template to a storage cluster is currently not supported in vSphere.


The issue is Pending Resolution.

There are a number of workarounds available for the issue:
  • Use a datastore instead of a datastore cluster for provisioning.
  • Use a either an OVF template or a VM template (vmtx) that is not inside a content library.

  1.Browse to the (vmtx) Template in vCenter
  2.Select Clone to library
  3.Select ovf
  4.Append -ovf to the name of the template
  5.Once ovf is completed run image sync in VRA
  6.Update the image mappings to point to the OVF
  7.Run deployment in Aria Automation with additional disks