Notification scenario not sending emails when users do not have email address active directory attribute populated
Article ID: 314701
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VMware Aria Suite
The approval service logs located under /services-logs/prelude/approval-service-app/file-logs/approval-service-app.log have a "400 Bad Request Could not retrieve email address for the recipients" error similar to:
2024-02-14T09:11:09.810Z ERROR approval-service [host='approval-service-app-7b8f7b88b8-sfzkb' thread='Task-Thread-3' user='' org='' trace='<TraceId>'] c.v.a.g.a.c.processor.task.TaskConfig - Error processing approval task[id=<TaskId>, type=com.vmware.automation.governance.approval.model.deployment.DeploymentApprovalNotificationTask, retryCount=0] org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$BadRequest: 400 Bad Request: "{"message":"Could not retrieve email address for the recipients: [<AccountName>].","statusCode":400,"errorCode":32008}" at org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException.create(
A user added as an expected recipient of the notification scenario has a blank email attribute in active directory.
Single user email notifications are handled before those added via group membership so the issue is more likely to manifest as affecting user added via group membership.
The users which do not receive the expected notification via email can still login and see the approval pending in their Service Broker inbox
VMware Aria Automation 8.x
The issue occurs when users added to notification scenarios do not have email address active directory attribute populated.
The issue is pending a resolution.
Workaround: To workaround the issue ensure that all users added to notification scenarios in Aria Automation have their email address attribute populated in active directory.
Additional Information
Impact/Risks: The code throws a 400 Bad Request error when the email address attribute is not populated for recipients which prevents the processing of further email notifications.