Tags data-collected by Aria Automation from Infoblox only have 'discovered' as their origin property value.
When a tag is created in Aria Automation with the same name as an Infoblox extensibility attribute it adds 'user defined' to the origins section of the tag.
The presence of this 'user defined' value in the tag's origin property prevents the tag from being removed in Aria Automation when the extensibility property is removed in Infoblox. Only tags with a value of discovered are removed.
To workaround the issue you can prefix your Aria Automation tags with a string to differentiate them from the infoblox extensible attributes value. This will prevent the discovered infoblox tag from also having 'user defined' appended to its origins property resulting its its removal in Aria Automation once its removed from infoblox.
To view the origins property value in existing tags:
1. Generate a bearer token to authenticate with the api by following the steps contained in knowledge base article 89129.
2. To query the tags for the origins property values you can use the iaas api:
curl --location --request GET 'https://fqn/iaas/api/tags' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
3. From the output of the above find the correct tag and copy the "id" property.Then execute:
curl --location --request GET 'https://fqn/provisioning/uerp/resources/tags/<the_Tagid_that_was_copied from step 2>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
And examine the "origins" property.