Execution of ABX actions fail on Cloud Extensibility Proxy (CEXP) appliances after agent restart
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Execution of ABX actions fail on Cloud Extensibility Proxy (CEXP) appliances after agent restart


Article ID: 314689


Updated On:


VMware VMware Aria Suite


VMware Cloud Extensibility Proxy 8.3.0 appliances, build number Version - Build 17792628, released on 27th of March 2021 introduced a problem that prevents Kubernetes from starting properly due to an incorrect network configuration provided to the Kubernetes client.

  • Users are not able to create remote ABX endpoints or execute ABX actions.
  • Cloud Assembly > Infrastructure > Integrations > + Add Integration > Extensibility Actions on Prem functionality displays an error similar to:
Failed to validate credentials. Error: Error in action run provider: Failed to notify session [http://<IP>:8000/le-mans/v1/sessions/<UUID>] for direct command [<UUID>] with no session
  • Existing and newly create ABX action executions display an error similar to:
[Provisioning Service] No suitable cloud accounts for providers: 'aws, azure, on-prem' project: '<UUID>'! Reason: Selected endpoint [your-extensibility-on-prem-endpoint] is not healthy. Reason [Failed to notify session [http://IPAddress:8000/le-mans/v1/sessions/<UUID>]
  • CEXP appliance ABX agent logs located in /data1/abx-agent-logs/ display an error similar to:
[266][I][2021-04-01T11:12:20.975Z][1][K8SUtil][initK8Cluster][Initialized K8s cluster with address 'https://<IP>:6443' and auth type 'PublicKey'...]
[267][I][2021-04-01T11:12:20.979Z][1][K8SUtil][processClusterCertificate][Start processing cluster certificate]
[268][I][2021-04-01T11:12:21.062Z][1][CertificateUtil][lambda$getCertificateInfo$1][Importing SSL certificate for url: https://<IP>:6443]
[269][I][2021-04-01T11:12:22.693Z][26][NettyChannelPool][logGroupStatus][Maintenance on xn-cnx-tag-default:data.next.symphony-dev.com:443, pending: 0, available channels: 0]


Upgrade to the next released version of the CEXP appliance.

  1. Take a Virtual Machine snapshot without memory of the CEXP appliance.
  2. Run the follow commands from an SSH / PuTTy session on the appliance:
    1. echo "IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKL3Vzci9zYmluL2lwIGFkZHIgc2hvdyAkezF9IHwgZ3JlcCBpbmV0IHwgaGVhZCAtbiAxIHwgeGFyZ3MgfCBjdXQgLWQgJyAnIC1mIDIgfCBjdXQgLWQgJy8nIC1mIDEK" | base64 -d > /usr/bin/iface-ip; chmod a+x /usr/bin/iface-ip
    2. /opt/scripts/renew_k8s_certificates.sh
    3. docker restart cloudassembly-abx-agent