Original Task Error: 'Provisioning operation failed. Expected vc:// scheme, found <TemplateName>'
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Original Task Error: 'Provisioning operation failed. Expected vc:// scheme, found <TemplateName>'


Article ID: 314687


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Deployments fail with errors in the UI similar to:
Original Task Error: 'Provisioning operation failed. Expected vc:// scheme, found <TemplateName>'
  • Images are missing under Cloud Assembly > Infrastructure > Image Mapping.
  • Changes have recently been made to templates in vCenter.
  • The provisioning service logs located under /services-logs/prelude/provisioning-service-app/file-logs/provisioning-service-app.log contain errors similar to:
2023-07-20T10:53:21.403Z INFO provisioning [host='provisioning-service-app-c6bd8d4d7-vq6s8' thread='xn-index-updates-3' user='<Username>' org='<OrgID>' trace='<TraceID>' parent='<ParentID>' span='<span>'] c.v.a.r.b.BlueprintProviderRequestCallbackService.log:454 - [8282/provisioning/requests/blueprint/blueprint-provider-callback] Request FAILED for resource Cloud_vSphere_Machine_1 and deployment <DeploymentID> with message Provisioning operation failed. Expected vc:// scheme, found <TemplateName> at stage FAILED


Aria Automation image records include 2 types of records: one type is collected from regular VM templates; the other is collected from content library items. Each image record has a document_self_link used as reference by Aria Automation when creating image mapping.


For Regular VM template image records:

document_self_link of regular VM template image record are created based on vm template "intanceUUID" (plus endpoint information). So if instanceUUID of the VM template was changed, Aria Automation enumeration will delete the old image record and create a new image record with new document_self_link even if the new template has the same name as the old one. In this scenario its necessary to correct the image mapping manually in Aria Automation

For Content library item image records:

document_self_link of content library item image records are created based on "content library item id" (plus endpoint information). So if the content library item id is changed when updating a content library item, Aria Automation enumeration will delete the old image record and create a new image record with new document_self_link even if the library item has the same name under the same library.

When the template UUID is changed or library item id is changed because of updating, the end user needs to manually trigger image enumeration of this vCenter cloud account by click "SYNC IMAGES" button on the cloud account detail page. Through image enumeration, the image records in Aria Automation database will be synchronized with vCenter inventory data. After image enumeration is complete, its necessary review image mapping associated with this cloud account region, and update image mapping with new image record so image mapping has new image reference data.



To resolve the issue perform the steps:
  1. Navigate to Cloud Assembly > Infrastructure > Cloud Accounts. Open the relevant cloud account and click  Sync Images.
  2. Recreate the image mapping in Cloud Assembly under Cloud Assembly > Infrastructure > Image Mappings