"HTTP Status 502" error when attempting to export the list of Managed Machines from the vRA Infrastructure tab
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"HTTP Status 502" error when attempting to export the list of Managed Machines from the vRA Infrastructure tab


Article ID: 314681


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • With a large number of VMs managed by vRA, the export .csv or .xls function does not complete successfully.
  • After a timeout is reached,you see the below error message displayed on the managed machines page in the vRA GUI.
HTTP Status 502


This occurs when a large number of VMs are managed by vRA and the IaaS system cannot complete the request within the timeout period.


To work around this issue either filter the number of machines you will be exporting down or use Cloud Client to generate the list.

To export a list of machines from vRA using Cloud Client.
  1. Download and Install the Cloud Client, available at VMware Downloads.
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\path_to_directory\cloudclient<version>\bin\
  3. Launch cloudclient.bat
  4. Log into the vRA cafe appliance and IaaS server by running these commands.
    • vra login userpass --user <admin_username> --tenant <tenant_name> --server <vRA_appliance_FQDN> --password <password>
    • vra login iaas --user <IaaS_service_account> --domain <domain_name> --server <IaaS_web_server_FQDN> --password <password>
  5. Run the following to export all managed machines in a .csv format
    • vra machines list --allMachines yes --export <filename> --format CSV
    • Note:  By default this command will only export one page with the default number of 25 VMs.To alter the page size see sample command below
      vra machines list --allMachines yes --export managedmachines.csv --format CSV --pageSize 1000
    • Note: format can be CSV, TABLE, or JSON.
    • Note: --businessGroupId <business_group_name> can be used here as well to export machines from a given business group
    • For more information, see the VMware vRealize CloudClient 4.4.0 Documentation available at VMware Downloads.
  6. File will be located in the directory where the command is run from, or the path provided in the --export parameter.