In the vCenter vSphere UI, we see the following error:
A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCloneCheckCommonCallback: Fault cause: pbm.fault.PBMFault ; No VASA Provider for schema namespace (vmwarevmcrypt) found.
Similar errors are generated when cloning and editing VMs.
SDDC Manager prechecks for ESXi hosts fails in a VCF Environment.
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.3
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.x
This has been isolated to an issue in ESXi 7.0U3.
Due to a security scan by a third party utility such as Nessus, the mechanism of the scan causes an expected crash of the iofiltervpd service on ESXi.
/etc/init.d/iofiltervpd restart3. SSH into the vCenter Server and restart the SPS service on the vCenter with the following command:
vmon-cli -r sps