Note: If the service account does not exist on the SDDC Manager as well, please use the following KB instead: Missing ESXi service accounts in SDDC Manager after Bringup
Failed to update vSAN LSOM settings on the host
Failed to connect to
If the host has been rebuilt/reconfigured and then re-added to the vCenter without going through the decommission / commission process from the SDDC Manager, we may be missing the service account on the ESXi host.
esxcli system account list
Sample output
[root@esxi01:~] esxcli system account list
User ID Description Shell access
-------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------
root Administrator true
dcui DCUI User true
vpxuser VMware Workstation administration account true
cloudadmin ESXi User true
lldpVim-user ESXi User true
mux_user ESXi User true
da-user ESXi User true
nsx-user ESXi User true
esxcli system account add --id svc-vcf-esxi01 --password <password> --password-confirmation <password>
esxcli system permission set --id svc-vcf-<esxi_shortname> --role Admin
[root@esxi01:~] esxcli system permission list
Principal Is Group Role Role Description
-------------- -------- -------- ----------------
svc-vcf-esxi01 false Admin Full access rights