Ionix SAM/Smarts SAM Trap Exploder is not forwarding Traps to multiple FORWARD destination locations specified in the Ionix SAM/Smarts SAM Trap Exploder trapd.conf configuration file (BASEDIR/conf/trapd/trapd.conf) as in the following example:
FORWARD: *.*.*.* .* * * HOST1:91111
FORWARD: *.*.*.* .* * * HOST2:91111
The "MATCH : all" parameter is not set in the trapd.conf file. When specifying multiple FORWARD destinations as in the above, the "MATCH : all" parameter must be set. If this parameter is not set, traps will only be sent to the first trap adapter criterion that matches in the Trap Exploder trapd.conf file. In the above problem symptom example, if the "MATCH : all" parameter was not enabled, traps would only be sent to HOST1:91111.
To resolve this issue, remove the hash character (#) to uncomment and set the MATCH parameter in the trapd.conf file (BASEDIR/conf/trapd/trapd.conf) so that it looks as follows:
# Set the parameters here.
PORT: 9000
MATCH: all