Smarts IP: Performance information is not displayed for all virtual/logical interfaces; Does Smarts IP support performance monitoring for all virtual/logical interfaces?
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Smarts IP: Performance information is not displayed for all virtual/logical interfaces; Does Smarts IP support performance monitoring for all virtual/logical interfaces?


Article ID: 314584


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VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts IP does not show performance information for all virtual or logical interfaces

Not all virtual or logical interfaces appear in Smarts IP APM console


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The virtual or logical interfaces are layered over the physical interface. The current utilization of the physical interfaces is the sum of the current utilization of all the overlaid virtual or logical interfaces. Smarts IP does not implement  the performance instrumentation for every virtual/logical interface. However if you are running SMARTS IP manager version 9.2.2 or above there is an option to get utilization fo VLAN interrfaces.

See KB article SMARTS: IP manager: How to get VLAN utilization to show