Smarts IP: How do I disable STP monitoring to prevent monitoring of STPTrunk cable connections?
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Smarts IP: How do I disable STP monitoring to prevent monitoring of STPTrunk cable connections?


Article ID: 314564


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How do I disable STP monitoring in Smarts IP?
How can I prevent Smarts IP from monitoring STPTrunk cable connections?

To disable STP alerts in Smarts IP, do the following:

  1. Using sm_edit, open the discovery.conf configuration file from the IP/smarts/bin directory for editing as follows:

    sm_edit  ../conf/discovery/discovery.conf

    IMPORTANT! You should always use sm_edit whenever you are editing Smarts configuration files (*.conf). Using other editors can cause issues with Smarts software functionality.

  2. Add the following line at the end of discovery.conf file:

    STPTrunkEnabled = FALSE

  3. Save and close the discovery.conf configuration file.
  4. To reload the discovery.conf file with the new settings without restarting your IP domain, run the following command:

    <IPBASEDIR>/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <IP_domain name> --load-conf=discovery.conf

  5. Rediscover the device that has STPTrunk connections.
  6. To confirm that the STPTrunkEnabled is set to FALSE, use the following command from your Smarts IP bin directory:

    dmctl -s <IP_domain_name> get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager STPTrunkEnabled