If customer has * in TKG_NO_PROXY when installing previous TKG versions, for example, TKG 1.5.4, when they upgrade management cluster or workload cluster to TKG 1.6, they will also run into the above error.
Error: failed to update additional addon components: unable to get cluster configuration: workload cluster configuration validation failed: invalid string '*' in TKG_NO_PROXY
Symbol ‘*’ doesn’t have any effect in TKG_NO_PROXY, the correct syntax to set domain suffix should be `.vmware.com` instead of `*.vmware.com`.
Before TKG 1.6, there is no error reported but the value like `*.vmware.com` won’t have any effect. Now TKG will error out explicitly to block customer from doing this.
Workaround: Depending on the type of cluster you are upgrading: