vRNI shows "Syslog server not configured for NSX Controller" warning for all of controllers
Article ID: 314425
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VMware Aria Operations for NetworksVMware NSX
vRNI shows "Syslog server not configured for NSX Controller" warnings though all of controllers are configured with Syslog server.
NSX version is 6.4.2 or later.
VRNI version 4.1 or later
You might configure Syslog server for NSX controllers by GUI.
You can obtain the configuration by new API (GET /api/2.0/vdn/controller/cluster/syslog) but you cannot obtain by old API (GET /api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}/syslog)
VMware vRealize Network Insight 3.x VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.x VMware vRealize Network Insight 4.x
This is the expected behavior of vRNI.
Since new API for controller syslog configuration is introduced from NSX 6.2, old API is deprecated in current NSX. However, vRNI which is released before NSX 6.4.2 uses old API. Hence, if you use NSX 6.4.2 or later and edited controller syslog configuration from GUI or by new API, vRNI fails to obtain the configuration by old API.