Workaround to re-attach the vmdk.
On the Host UI, when we detach a vmdk (either base vmdk or snapshot vmdk) and try to add it back, the hard disk shows a blank configuration, and the save button doesn't give us any output.
Currently, we are unable to add the vmdk to using the Host UI. However, as a workaround, we can add it by editing the vmx file using the CLI.
Add the vmdks to the VM using the CLI.
Take a PuTTY to the ESXi host and run the below command:
vim-cmd vmsvc/device.diskaddexisting <vmid> /vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/<VM folder>/<VM>.vmdk 0 1
The 0 at the end represents the SCSI controller you want to add the disk to and the 1 represents the SCSI target number, so if you already have a SCSI0:0 disk, add the next disk as SCSI0:1 (0 1).