This is an expected behavior.
When using the
qlnativefc Driver, to work around this issue if you do not want to use NVMe devices:
1. Set the parameter by running this command:
esxcfg-module -s 'ql2xnvmesupport=0' qlnativefc
2. Then reboot. This disables NVMe support.
Note: Marvell FC NVMe adapter and NVMe LUN devices which connected to adapter will not be accessed.
When using the
lpfc Driver, to work around this issue if you do not want to use NVMe devices:
1. Set the parameter by running this command:
esxcli system module parameters set -m lpfc -p lpfc_enable_fc4_type=1
2. Then reboot. This disables NVMe support.
Note: This workaround for lpfc was identified in the following Dell EMC documentation, but issue has also been observed on HP 3PAR -
* PowerStoreOS 2.0: ESXi hosts do not detect direct attached fibre channel volumes | Dell Bahamas
* HPE documentation is in progress
Note: Force reboot of server from command line (reboot -f) may result in not updating the changes. Perform a graceful reboot using UI.
Alternately, we can backup the changes using 'sbin/', prior to using CLI command "reboot -f"