NSX 4.X Error Codes
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NSX 4.X Error Codes


Article ID: 314333


Updated On: 01-02-2025


VMware NSX


This article provides information on helping customers identify errors and provide recommended actions to correct the errors.


VMware NSX 4.X


Edge Routing :
 Error CodeMeaningRecommended Action
1EDG0200010Mempool creation failed in RCPMEdge node has run out of memory. Contact VMware Technical Support.
2EDG0200017Error occurred while cloning the message sent by NestDB (to be sent to RCPM)Memory issue. First, try to put the Edge node into maintenance mode. If the issue persists, restart the Edge node to recover/fix.
3EDG0200021Mismatch between the size of the Routing Protobuf msg and the size of the file where Routing Protobuf is written.Filesystem does not have enough space to store routing config file. Contact VMware Technical Support.
4EDG0200024Failed to open file(s) for write.Could also be a disk space issue or the filesystem is write protected. Contact VMware Technical Support.
5EDG0200026Expected object not found in the RCPM DBRouting DB is not in sync with NestDB. Contact VMware Technical Support.

Edge Datapath :
 Error CodeMeaningRecommended Action
1EDG0400009NSXA disconnected, Trace notification droppedReboot the Edge.
2EDG0400013Duplicate IP detected ("UUID_FMT", "IP_FMT") from "ETH_ADDR_FMTThe user needs to find out the duplicated IP and change the configuration of the setup.
3EDG0400022Too many connectionsReaching max ping/traceroute connections. The user needs to kill other ping/tracert processes or wait for any of them completed.
4EDG0400024Invalid VRF ID %d"The user is not using a valid vrf id to run ping/tracert commands.
5EDG0400073lswitch already existsThe user is trying to create an existing logical switch.
6EDG0400074lswitch for VNI already existsThe user is trying to create a logical switch with VNi used by another logical switch.
7EDG0400075Maximum number of lswitches reached25000 is the max number of logical switches.
8EDG0400320A valid lrouter with VRF ID already existsThe user is trying to create a logical router with a VRF ID which is used by another logical router.

Edge Platform :
 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
1EDG0100010Fib update error. Verify fib entry via CLI: "get forwarding" under respective vrf.
2EDG0100032lrouter/lswitch port, bridge, l2forwarder, serivce port is not realized locallyThis is transient state. Wait for stabilized or check edge configuration.
CLI: "get edge-cluster status"
3EDG0100127Tunnel vtep label not setCheck vtep label configuration from MP via CLI: "get vteps" . Additional triage required why label is not set.
4EDG0100130VTEP/RTEP label is not set for a xtepCheck vtep label configuration from MP via CLI: "get vteps" . Additional triage required why label is not set.
5EDG0100168Failed to restart HA FSMCheck edge-cluster and dataplane status via CLI: "get edge-cluster status", "get service dataplane". Check syslog to identify configuration error and failure reason around message "Restart HA FSM".
6EDG0100171Service router resource update errorCheck syslog for any service router configuration error.
7EDG0100265NETCPA VXLAN app is not connectedCheck ops-agent connection state via CLI: "get service nsx-opsagent".
8EDG0100305Max span sessions has reachedmax span size is reached. Please remove existing one if new entry is needed.
9EDG0100306Max port per sessions has reachedMax port limit is reached per session. Please remove existing port if new port is needed.
10EDG0100372 Receive configuration error acknowledged from DatapathCheck syslog in subcomp="datapathd" for configuration error. This could be transient.
11EDG0100375Traceflow message dropped: netcpa not connectedCheck ops-agent connection state. Check nsx-opagent service state via CLI:"get service nsx-opsagent".
12EDG0100387Datapath is not connectedDP component is not connected. Check dataplane service state via CLI: "get service dataplane".
13EDG0100391 Datapath config update failedDP component is not connected. Check dataplane service state via CLI: "get service dataplane". Check syslog for configuration.
14EDG0100393Send delta datapath config failedDP component is not connected. Check dataplane service state via CLI: "get service dataplane". Check syslog for configuration.
15EDG0100394Datapath is not connected (FW sync)DP component is not connected. Check dataplane service state via CLI: "get service dataplane".
16EDG0100443HA session update message validation failedError on processing invalid HA update message. Look for any error before log "AppHA-rx". This could be transient.  
17EDG0100494Timeout to receive datapath ack for tunnel realization 

Check any configuration error in subcomp="datapathd" log. Look for any error before the log "Fail to receive datapath acknowledgement". This could be transient.

18EDG0500001Client transaction errorRPC(Remote Procedure Call) error. Check syslog for JSON RPC client or JSON protocol validation errors.
19EDG0500002Logical-Exporter query failed with this errorRPC(Remote Procedure Call) error. Check syslog for JSON RPC client or JSON protocol validation errors.
20EDG0500003Logical-Exporter query did not return a resultNo result in RPC(Remote Procedure Call response). Check syslog for JSON RPC client or JSON protocol validation errors.
21EDG0000020NestDB is not initialized yetNo NestDB instance. Check for any error log for DB initialization.
22EDG0000057Nest DB is not connected while performing write operationCheck log to see connection status to nestdb server.

MP to Policy Promotion :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
11400005{0} promotion error. Manager id: {1}, Error : {2}. Please contact support.Check error in /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log and look for string 'Unable to migrate' in the log. Please contact support if needed.
21400006{0} promotion error. Logical switch {1} not found in policy or not yet promoted. Please promote the logical switch {1} first.Promotion failed for the given resource as the logical switch associated with it is not found on policy/not yet promoted. Please promote the associated logical switch first.
31400007{0} promotion error. Logical router {1} not found in policy  or not yet promoted. Please promote the logical router {1} first.Promotion failed for the given resource as the logical router associated with it is not found on policy/not yet promoted. Please promote the associated logical router first.
41400008{0} promotion error. Logical router port {1} not found in policy or not yet promoted. Please promote the logical router port {1} first.Promotion failed for the given resource as the logical router port associated with it is not found on policy/not yet promoted. Please promote the associated logical router port first.
51400009Tier0 Logical router port promotion error. Logical router port {0} not found in manager.Promotion failed for Tier0 as the logical router port associated with it is not found on the manager.
61400010Tier0 promotion error. Exception occurred while migrating BGP Neighbor {0} , IP-prefix {1} not found on Policy.Promotion failed for Tier0's BGP Neighbor as IP-prefix associated with it is not found on policy.
71400011Tier0 promotion error. Exception occurred while migrating BGP Neighbor {0} , Route-map {1} not found on Policy.Promotion failed for Tier0's BGP Neighbor as route-map associated with it is not found on policy.
81400012Tier0 promotion error. Exception occurred while migrating Route map {0} , ip-prefix {1} not found on Policy.Promotion failed for Tier0's Route map as IP-prefix associated with it is not found on policy.
91400013Tier0 promotion error. Exception occurred while migrating Route map {0} , community-list {1} not found on Policy.Promotion failed for Tier0's Route map as the community list associated with it is not found on policy.
101400014Tier0 {0} promotion error. Error : {1}.Promotion failed for the given Tier0. Please contact support.
111400015Error while promoting static route of Tier0. Logical router port not found in policy. manager id : {0}.Promotion failed for Tier0's static route as the logical router port associated with it is not found on policy.
121400016Downlink logical router port promotion not supported in Tier0 logical router port promotion . RouterPort Id : {0}({1}).Down-link logical router port promotion not supported in Tier0 logical router port promotion. Please refer to the documentation to check the valid configurations.
131400021Static Routes configured with downlink router port is not supported on policy.Promotion failed as static routes configured with down-link router port are not supported on policy. Please refer to the documentation to check the valid configurations.

MP Edge fabric :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
115001Edge transport node is already consumed in another edge cluster

Either remove the edge transport node from the current edge cluster or
Choose an existing edge node that is not part of any edge cluster or

Create a new edge transport node and add it to the edge cluster.



Edge transport node identifier provided is not a valid edge transport node identifier.Check if there is any mismatch between the intended identifier and the identifier used. Use the edge transport node identifier which is configured and in success state.
315004Edge transport node provided is already participating in another edge cluster.Choose a new edge transport node which is not part of any edge cluster. Else remove this edge transport node from the current edge cluster. This may have traffic disruptions if an Logical router is realised on this edge transport node and serving edge data path.
415005Only one edge cluster high availability profile can be bound to an edge cluster.User should update the edge cluster high availability profile settings present in the edge cluster if the current configuration does not satisfy the requirement.

 The deployment type of transport node is not supported in edge cluster.

The edge transport node deployment type must be either virtual machine or physical machine to participate in an edge cluster.
615008The edge transport node getting added or replaced on the edge clusters does not belong to any transport zones of the current edge transport node.The new edge transport node which is replacing the existing edge transport node should belong to all the transport zones of the current edge transport node.
715010Edge cluster member index is system allocated and should not be specified for newly added transport node Edge cluster member is not user provided input. It is system allocated. Remove the member index input provided for the edge transport node getting newly added.
815011Edge cluster member index is system allocated and cannot be changed.Edge cluster member index is system allocated and cannot be changed. Kindly reuse the already assigned member index to the edge cluster member in the edge cluster.
915012Edge cluster member index does not exist.The member index for which user wanted to relocate all the logical entities and wants to remove it from the edge cluster does not present in the edge cluster. Kindly provide a valid member index of which user wants to relocate and remove this member from the edge cluster.
1015015Edge cluster members should have homogeneous overlay transport zone endpoints.Update the overlay transport zone of the edge transport node which is newly getting added to the same as the existing members of the edge cluster.
1115017Invalid edge cluster is provided in the bridge endpoint profile getting configured.Edge cluster id provided in the bridge endpoint profile is not present in the NSX manager. Provide the correct edge cluster id on which the bridge endpoint profile needs to be created.
1215019Edge transport node replacing an existing edge cluster member in the edge cluster has insufficient resources available on new transport node for service pool.User should create an edge with sufficient resource and use that edge to replace the current edge .
1315020Edge transport node should be in success state to add it to the edge cluster.User should check why the edge transport node is not in success state. Make sure the edge transport node is in success state while adding it to the edge cluster.
1415021To enable allocation based on failure domain, edge cluster should have edge cluster members belongs to two different failure domains.User should add edge transport nodes belongs to two different failure domain to enable allocation based on failure domains.
1515022Edge transport node failure domain cannot be changed as it hosts logical routers whose placement can violate if the failure domain gets updated.Ideally this should never be the case to update failure domain of the edge transport node as it will affect the allocation based on failure domain in an edge cluster. If user still wants to change the failure domain, user has to move all the logical service context out of this edge transport node and try updating the failure domain on the edge transport node.
1615023Edge cluster member is not on the transport zone of the bridge endpoint profile.User should either update the edge transport node's transport zone or choose the right edge cluster member of the edge cluster which has the transport zone of the bridge endpoint profile to configure the bridge end point profile.
1715025Invalid edge cluster high availability profile got configured on the edge cluster.User should provide a valid edge cluster high availability profile on the edge cluster.
1815026 Associated edge cluster HA profile BFD probe interval should be greater than 500 milli seconds.User should make sure the BFD interval specified in EdgeClusterHaProfile must be greater than 500 milli seconds.
1915031None of the other edge cluster members are healthy to relocate the logical routers and remove the requested edge cluster member.User should create new edge transport nodes and replace the un healthy ones to perform relocate and remove of an specific edge cluster member from the edge cluster.
2015032Cannot perform relocate and remove edge cluster member as user has manually allocated logical service context (logical routers / logical services) are present on this edge cluster member.Manually allocated logical routers are present. if still need the relocate and remove API Action, User should remove the Manually allocated logical service contexts (logical routers / logical services) from the edge cluster
2115033Edge cluster has only two members. Cannot perform relocate and remove edge cluster member as it will impact the HA of the edge cluster.User should add a new edge cluster member to the edge cluster and perform relocate and remove of edge cluster member from the edge cluster.

There is only one healthy edge node other than the one getting removed present in the edge cluster hence relocate and remove edge cluster member is not supported.

User should add a new edge cluster member to the edge cluster and perform relocate and remove of edge cluster member from the edge cluster.
2315036Relocate and remove edge cluster member is not supported as bridge profile configuration is present in the edge cluster.User should remove the bridge profile from edge clusters relocate and remove not allowed with bridge profile for given edge cluster.
2415504Edge transport node cannot be deleted as it is still used in edge cluster.User remove the edge transport node from the edge cluster and try deleting the edge transport node.
2515505Multiple uplinks used in active list are not supported for edge node of type virtual machine.Multiple uplinks used in active list is supported on bare metal edge if the uplink profile is of type load balance.
2615506There are no pnics specified in TransportNode backed by EdgeUser has to specify the pic of the edge transport node to be used in the host switches.
2715507There are no pnics specified in TransportNode backed by EdgeUser has to specify the pic of the edge transport node to be used in the host switches.
2815508Invalid pnic device name specifiedThe device name given in the pnic must be a matching with the device name on the edge virtual machine pnics.
2915517Multiple overlay transport zones are not supported on edge nodeKeep only one overlay transport zone on an edge transport node.
3015518PNIC and device configurations do not match for transport node.Configured DPDK fastpath interfaces count should match with the transport node pnics that are configured in host switch.
3116025The ip specified in management port subnets and as node ip_address must be same.User must make sure that the ip assigned to mangement port subnets and node_ip_address must be same.
3216037Password for the following user do not follow complexity rulesPassword must have at least 12 characters including 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character, 1 numeric digit, 1 special character and at least 5 different characters. Passwords based on dictionary words and palindromes are invalid
3316055NSX Manager connectivity with NSX edge transport node is downUser should check the connectivity between  NSX edge and the NSX manager.
3416056Uplink is not mapped to a Physical network interface. All active uplinks in teaming policies of HostSwitch Profile must be mapped in HostSwitch.
3516057Edge node registration timed out. Use join management plane cli from edge node to register the node.
3616062 Replace auto-deployed VM with a manual deployed edge VM is not recommended.Auto deployed edge cluster member can be replaced with another auto deployed edge transport node only.
Create a new edge transport node from NSX manager UI or over REST api and use that to replace the edge transport node.
3716083Edge configuration request has duplicate entries for advanced configurationRemove the duplicate key's of advanced configuration and retry the edge update api.
3816084Edge advanced configuration with keys <> are not allowed.Provided advanced configuration key is not supported. Remove the invalid key and retry the operation.
3916085 Edge advanced configuration with keys are not allowed to be edited. Use edge redeploy to update the advanced configuration.Edge advanced configuration cannot be edited using update edge api. Use edge redeploy api to update the advanced configuration.
4016086This error code is displayed in edge TN state when Edge Node Settings on MP intent are different than on CLIThis edge TN configuration state mismatch can be resolved from UI.
4116087This error code is displayed in edge TN state when Edge vShpere Settings on MP intent are different than on VCThis edge TN configuration state mismatch can be resolved from UI.
4216088This error code is displayed in edge TN state when Edge Node Settings and vSphere Settings on MP intent are different than on CLI and on VCThis edge TN configuration state mismatch can be resolved from UI.
4316089This error code is displayed in edge TN state when, Edge Node is vMotioned and Edge node starage, compute ids on VC are changed as compared to on MP intentThis edge TN configuration state mismatch can be resolved from UI.
4416095Advanced configuration edit failed for Edge as key value pairs changed at both places, VsphereDeploymentConfig and EdgeNodeSettings. Please modify values at one place only, preferably EdgeNodeSettings.
4516109 Management port subnets IP and Default gateway addresses type should have the same IP versionIn the case of Edge TN Deployment, Gateway and Management IP should belong to the same IP family e.g. IPv4 or Ipv6.
4616110Invalid IP address format is provided.A provided IP address is not valid. Provide the correct format of the given IP. 
4716111management ip and default gateway are mandatory with static ipv6 assignment typeIn the case of IPv6 and Dual stack edge TN deployment, In API , If ipv6_assignment_type param is provided and the management IP and default gateway field is not present in the request then hit this error. Please provides the both management_port_subnets and default_gateway_addresses values in request.
4816112Invalid coalescing scheme configured on edge. Supported coalescing scheme are ["rbc", "adapt", "disabled", "static"].  The coalescing scheme must have one of this supported value.
4916113Invalid coalescing param configured on edge. Coalescing param can be either between 100-100000 for coalescing scheme "rbc" and between 1-64 for coalescing scheme "static". Adapt and disabled does not take any parameters.
5016114Ipv6 assignment type value is missing in requestIn the case of IPv6 and Dual stack edge TN deployment, In API, If ipv6_assignment_type param is not provided and the management IP and default gateway field is present in the request then hit this error. Please provides both ipv6_assignment_type value in the request.
5116115Ip address update not allowed for edgeIn case of Ipv4, Address update is not allowed so configuration of Ipv4 is allowed during Edge TN Creation. 
For Ipv6, only single-time configuration is allowed.
5216116IP address is already configured on edgeIf the same IPv6 Address is provided in Edge TN, then will hit this error. Provide different Ip address in the request.
5316117Coalescing param must be configured for coalescing scheme on edge. Coalescing param must be configured for coalescing scheme on edge. For ''rbc'' scheme the supported value range is 100 - 100000. For ''static'' scheme the supported value range is 1 - 64. ''adapt'' and ''disabled'' does not accept coalescing param.
5416020The deployment of edge vm has failedCheck error details in Proton logs nsxapi.log and at VC. Correct parameters if required and retry.
5516021The power on of edge vm has failedCheck if sufficient resources are available at VC.
5616022The power off of edge vm has failedCheck error details in Proton logs nsxapi.log and at VC. 
5716023The deletion of edge vm has failedCheck error details in Proton logs nsxapi.log and at VC. 
5816035Transport node configuration needs to be updated for this Edge NodeConfigure Edge transport node.
5916040Edge VM  rename failedCheck error details at VC. Check that the name is not already used by other VMs at VC.
6016041Edge network reconfigure failedCheck error details at VC. 
6116042Edge node configuration update failed.Check edge VM - Manager connectivity.
6216054Edge resource reservation failedCheck if sufficient resources are available at VC.
6316067Delete VM failed during redeploy. If the VM is accessible, delete the VM at vSphere and then retry redeploy.
6416082Edge advanced configuration edit failed.Failed to set Dataplane DynamicCore transport node. Check edge tech support logs for further details.
6516091An error occurred when refreshing the edge config. Referenced compute manager is not found.Update placement references using API transport-nodes/<node-id>?action=addOrUpdatePlacementReferences.
6616107This error code is displayed in edge TN state api when Edge Node deletion fails due to VM not found in VC.Follow alarm recommended action.
6716108This error code is displayed in edge TN state api when Edge Node deletion fails for Non LCM edge.Follow alarm recommended action.

Multi-tenancy :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
1524129The paths {0} cannot be accessed from {1} as the paths neither belong to its scope nor are shared with it.Please provide paths in the same tenant's scope or please share them with tenant.
2524131Invalid member type {0} provided in a Project group {1}.Make sure the member type provided is only VirtualMachine.
3524217Project segment {0} is not allowed to connect to Tier0 {1}. Please connect to Tier1.Project segment is not allowed to be connected to Tier0. Please connect to Tier1.
4524223This API is not supported in the context of a Project.This API is not supported in the context of a Project.
5524225short_id must contain only ASCII characters.Please provide only ASCII characters in short_id.
6524227Following resources are not allowed for sharing [{0}]Make sure valid resource type & path is shared. Please refer api documentation for valid shared resource types.
7524228Shared resource objects path=[{0}] cannot be unshared as it is being consumed by other objects path=[{1}]Since some objects are consuming this shared object, it cannot be unshared. Please de-reference it from consuming objects to continue to remove share.
8524230Load Balancer pool_allocation is not supported for Multi Tenancy.Load Balancer pool_allocation is not supported for Multi Tenancy.
9524233short_id {0} already exists for another {1}.Please use different short_id because given short_id is already being used by another object.
10524234short_id once set cannot be modified.short_id cannot be modified.
11524235short_id must contain less than or equal to {0} characters with no spaces.Maximum allowed length for short_id is 8, please provide short_id without spaces and less than 8 in length.
12524255Invalid DNS server IPAddress [{0}].Please use ipv4 ip address for DNS server.
13524259Label {0} can have only 1 reference object of type {1}.Label can have only one reference object of type mentioned in error message.
14524260The reference object in Label {0} should have resource of type {1}.The reference object in Label should have resource of type mentioned in error message.
15524272Cannot disable N-S Service router as {0} user defined Nat Rule exists. Please remove the nat rules first then try disabling the N-S services.Please remove the nat rules first then try disabling the N-S services.
16524279tier_0s paths {0} in dedicated_resources must be of resource type {1}.Please make sure that the dedicated resource is of type Tier-0 or a Label.
17524280tier_0s paths {0} in dedicated_resources must also be present in tier_0s argument in project payload.Please make sure that the tier-0 provided in the dedicated_resources is associated with the project.
18524281tier_0s paths {0} in dedicated_resources is already associated with another project.Please make sure that the tier-0 provided in the dedicated_resources is not in the dedicated_resources of other projects.
19610744Allocated Tier-0 {0} cannot be consumed in gateway firewall under custom project {1}Allocated Tier-0 to Project cannot be consumed in gateway firewall under custom project.
20610745Allocated Tier-0 {0} cannot be consumed in labels under custom project {1}Allocated Tier-0 to Project cannot be consumed in labels under custom project.

Inventory :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
17007VM object from host {0} does not have identifiers set. Incoming VM data: {1}Check if host is in vSphere maintenance mode.
27013Unable to find virtual machine with external identifier (instance UUID in VC) {0}.Check if virtual machine with given external identifier (instance UUID in VC) exists.
37026Sorting is not allowed on field {0} unless a filter is provided for field {1}Provide host_id/source in request parameter to use sorting on field local_id_on_host/host local id.
47027Node with this IP {0} was recently deleted and is being cleaned up. Please retry configuring after some time.Please retry configuring host after some time.
57030System tags cannot be added/modified/deleted, {0}.System tags are not allowed for any user modification. Please refer to /api/v1/configs/reserved-tags to find system tag scopes.
67031Discovered tags cannot be added/modified/deleted, {0}.Discovered tags are not allowed for any user modification. Discovered tag scope starts with "dis:".
77032Exceeded limit on number of user defined tags for VM, supports only {0}Reduce the number of user defined tags for this VM below the supported limit.
87034Unable to find valid node corresponding to node id {0}.Transport nodes of type host or PCG are the only supported options.
97036Unable to determine Client Type for host Id {0}.Check if host is successfully configured with NSX or not.
107038Could not clean up data for {0} with id {1}.Operation will be retried again.
117039VM object from host {0} does not have external id set. Incoming VM data: {1}Check if host is in vSphere maintenance mode.
127047Cannot register compute manager, user name is blank or emptyProvide user name for vCenter.
137048Cannot register compute manager, password is blank or emptyProvide password for user of vCenter.
147049Cannot register compute manager, server thumbprint is blank or empty. Found thumbprint {0} for server. If correct, please re-submit with this thumbprint

Please verify if the thumbprint specified in the error message is correct and re-submit.

157050Cannot register compute manager. Server {0} already registered with NSXCheck if compute manager is already registered with NSX.
167051Could not clean up data for compute manager {0}, will be retried in next runData cleanup operation will be retried in the next run in 30 secs.
177052Compute manager server {0} already exists. Existing compute manager with this server is {1}Provide correct compute manager IP/FQDN.
187054Compute manager {0} type input {1} is not valid. Supported compute manager server type {2}Ensure the compute manager server is of type vCenter.


Context Engine :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action

Error in initializing context core

Restart opsagent process
2CTX4Error path in code was executedRestart opsagent process

Error in pthread mutex destroy

Thread related errors come from the thread library and cannot be easily resolved. If they are persistent, restart opsagent

Error in pthread lock destroy

Thread related errors come from the thread library and cannot be easily resolved. If they are persistent, restart opsagent

Error in pthread condition destroy

Thread related errors come from the thread library and cannot be easily resolved. If they are persistent, restart opsagent

Error in pthread condition wait

Thread related errors come from the thread library and cannot be easily resolved. If they are persistent, restart opsagent

Error in pthread condition timed wait

Thread related errors come from the thread library and cannot be easily resolved. If they are persistent, restart opsagent

Error in mutex unlock fail

Thread related errors come from the thread library and cannot be easily resolved. If they are persistent, restart opsagent


VM VC UUID is empty

Fill vm UUID


Error in parsing XML

Check the Health message XML file.


Proton :

Metadata Proxy :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
1[MetadataProxy] MP22501Secret of MetadataProxy is mandatory.Provide the secret for the MetadatProxy
2[MetadataProxy] MP22502EdgeCluster specified in MetadataProxy is not found.Make sure the edge cluster existing
3[MetadataProxy] MP22503EdgeCluster member index is NOT found in EdgeCluster specified in MetadataProxy.Check the member index of the edge cluster to make sure member existing
4[MetadataProxy] MP22504MetadataProxies exceeds maximum.Delete the not used MetadataProxy
5[MetadataProxy] MP22505Invalid server url with error.Check the server url to make sure the url format is right
6[MetadataProxy] MP22506CA with identifier is not found.Check if the CA existing and change the CA id to the existed one
7[MetadataProxy] MP22509Invalid schema in server url. Valid schemas are http and https.Provide the valid schema in server url
8[MetadataProxy] MP22510Invalid host name in server url.Provide the valid host name in server url
9[MetadataProxy] MP22511Invalid port in server url. Valid port range is 3000 ~ 9000.Provide the valid port between 3000 ~ 9000 in server url
10[MetadataProxy] MP22512Invalid IP in server url., and ~ can not be used as server ip.Provide the valid IP in server url
11[MetadataProxy] MP22513Invalid server url. Localhost can not be used as server nameAvoid localhost is used as server name
12[MetadataProxy] MP22514

Invalid server url. Domain name length exceeds maximum.

Provide short domain name


Policy :

DHCP & DHCP relay :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action

[DHCP] MP503017

Invalid DHCP range input specified.Provide the vaild DHCP range
2[DHCP] MP503027DHCP address pool dhcp ranges has overlapping IP addresses.Reset IP of Dhcp ranges, it cannot overlap with other Dhcp ranges
3[DHCP] MP503028DHCP address pool overlaps with gateway address.Reset IP of Dhcp Pool, it cannot overlap with gateway address
4[DHCP] MP503059Invalid DHCP server configuration.Provide the valid DHCP server configuration
5[DHCP] MP503063Invalid DHCP server IP address specified.Provide the valid DHCP server IP address
6[DHCP] MP503218DHCP static IP address overlaps with DHCP range.Reset DHCP static IP address, it cannot overlap with DHCP range
7[DHCP] MP503219DHCP server is not configured for segment path.Provide the valid DHCP server for segment path
8[DHCP] MP503221Failed to realize DHCP range on segment.Retry to realized DHCP range
9[DHCP] MP503222Only one server address per IPv4 and IPv6 address family allowed.Ensure one server address per IPv4 and IPv6 address
10[DHCP] MP503223Invalid generic DHCP option code specifiedProvide the valid generic DHCP option code
11[DHCP] MP503224Duplicate value specified in DHCP static bindingEnsure unique value in DHCP static binding
12[DHCP] MP503226Failed to realize DHCP server on segmentRetry to realized DHCP server
13[DHCP] MP503236Invalid number of values specified for option of allowed value count.Reset number of values for DHCP option
14[DHCP] MP503237Input exceeds max character count for option of max input size chars.Reduce character count for option
15[DHCP] MP503238Invalid value specified for DHCP option.Provide the valid value for DHCP option
16[DHCP] MP503240DHCP static config preferred time should be less than lease time.Ensure preferred time is less than lease time in DHCP static config
17[DHCP] MP503242DHCP static IP address cannot be same as server address.Reset DHCP static IP address, it cannot be same as server address
18[DHCP] MP503243DHCP address pool overlaps with server addres.Reset DHCP address pool, it cannot overlap with server addres
19[DHCP] MP503247Only local DHCP server configuration is supported for IPv6 DHCP.Configure local DHCP server configuration for IPv6 DHCP
20[DHCP] MP503262Modification of gateway connectivity impacts DHCP enabled workloads. If you would like to proceed, retry with '?force=true' parameter.Avoid to modify gateway connectivity
21[DHCP] MP503265Segment has static binding configuration. subnet DHCP configuration cannot be removed.Aovid to remove subnet DHCP configuration while segment has static binding configuration
22[DHCP] MP503267Duplicate value from segment path specified in DHCP static binding.Ensure unique value from segment path in DHCP static binding.
23[DHCP] MP503274DHCP configuration cannot be changed from relay to local DHCP server or gateway DHCP server.Avoid to modify DHCP configuration from relay to local DHCP server or gateway
24[DHCP] MP503290Connectivity path (segment, tier-0, or tier-1 path) is required to retrieve DHCP server runtime information.Fetch DHCP server runtime information for Connectivity path
25[DHCP] MP503291DHCP server config is not used.Check if DHCP server config is not used
26[DHCP] MP503292Edge cluster property cannot be removed while DHCP server config is in use at segmentAvoid to remove edge cluster property while DHCP server config is in use at segment
27[DHCP] MP503293Gateway address in DHCP static binding does not belong to subnet.Avoid to configure gateway address in DHCP static binding that it cannot belong to subnet.
28[DHCP] MP503391Duplicate value specified for DHCP configuration property.Ensure unique value for DHCP configuration property
29[DHCP] MP503392Duplicate DHCP option code specified.Ensure unique DHCP option code
30[DhcpRelay] MP503060Invalid DHCP relay configuration.Provide the valid DHCP relay configuration
31[DhcpRelay] MP503251DHCP relay requires tier-0/tier-1 gateway connectivity.Configure DHCP relay for tier-0/tier-1
32[DhcpRelay] MP503396Interface DHCP relay does not support DHCPv6 serversAvoid to coinfigure DHCPv6 servers in interface DHCP relay

DNS Forwarder :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
1[DnsForwarder] MP504001Upstream server cannot be null in a DNS Forwarder Zone.Provide the valid upstream server in DNS Forwarder Zone
2[DnsForwarder] MP504002Invalid domain name passed in DNS Forwarder Zone.Provide the valid domain name in DNS Forwarder Zone
3[DnsForwarder] MP504003

DNS Forwarder Zone cannot have more than {0} upstream servers. 

{0}: 3

Avoid configuring more than 3 upstream server. 
4[DnsForwarder] MP504004

DNS Forwarder Zone cannot have more than {0} domain names.

{0}: 100 

Avoid configuring more than 100 DNS Forwarder Zone. 
5[DnsForwarder] MP504005Listener IP for DNS forwarder is invalid.Provide the valid listener IP in DNS forwarder
6[DnsForwarder] MP504007Forwarder zone path provided in DNS Forwarder does not exist.Provide the valid DNS Forwarder Zone path in DNS Forwarder
7[DnsForwarder] MP504008Default forwarder zone cannot have DNS Domain Names populated.Remove DNS Domain Names from Default forwarder zone
8[DnsForwarder] MP504009Conditional forwarder zone should have DNS Domain names populated.Provide the valid DNS Domain names in Conditional forwarder zone
9[DnsForwarder] MP504011Invalid logical router instance for DNS forwarder path.Provide the invalid logical router instance for DNS forwarder path
10[DnsForwarder] MP504012Listener IP overlaps with the upstream server IP. Listener IP cannot overlap with upstream server IPs.Use different lisener IP, and it cannot be the same with upstream server IPs
11[DnsForwarder] MP504013DNS Domain Name from Conditional Forwarder Zone path is present in two or more Conditional Forwarder Zones for the DNS Forwarder path.Use unique DNS Domain Name from Conditional Forwarder Zone in two or more Conditional Forwarder Zones for the DNS Forwarder path
12[DnsForwarder] MP504015DNS Domain Name in a Conditional Forwarder Zone cannot be longer that characters.Provide short DNS Domain Name in a Conditional Forwarder Zone
13[DnsForwarder] MP504016Duplicate upstream servers not allowed in DNS Forwarder Zone.Use unqiure upstream servers in DNS Forwarder Zone
14[DnsForwarder] MP504017Unsupported HA mode of targeted logical router path. DNS forwarder can run only on ACTIVE_STANDBY logical router.Put DNS forwarder on ACTIVE_STANDBY logical router
15[DnsForwarder] MP504018Unable to clear cache for DNS forwarder-path on enforcement point-path with Error.Please check DNS forwarder-path on enforcement point-path
16[DnsForwarder] MP504019Invalid address, for DNS lookup. The address should be a fqdn less than 254 characters, or an ipv4 address except, the valid IP address for DNS lookup
17[DnsForwarder] MP504020Unable to fetch the nslookup result for DNS forwarder path, address, from enforcement point path with Error.Please check DNS forwarder path, address, from enforcement point path
18[DnsForwarder] MP504021Unable to get the status of DNS forwarder path from enforcement point path with Error.Please check DNS forwarder path from enforcement point path
19[DnsForwarder] MP504022Unable to get the statistics of DNS forwarder path from enforcement point path with Error.Please check DNS forwarder path from enforcement point path
20[DnsForwarder] MP504023DNS forwarder path is disabled.Enable DNS forwarder
21[DnsForwarder] MP504024Source IP for DNS forwarder zone is invalid.Provide the valid Source IP for DNS forwarder zone
22[DnsForwarder] MP504025Upstream server IP for DNS forwarder zone is invalid.Provide the valid Upstream server IP for DNS forwarder zone
23[DnsForwarder] MP504026Duplicate domain names not allowed in DNS forwarder zone.Use unique for domain names in DNS forwarder zone
24[DnsForwarder] MP504033DNS forwarder is not supported on VRF Tier0.Avoid to configure DNS forwarder on VRF Tier0

Metadata Proxy :

 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
1[MetadataProxy] MP524201Invalid edge cluster in metadata proxy.Provide the valid edge cluster in metadata proxy
2[MetadataProxy] MP524202Invalid edge node in metadata proxy.Provide the valid edge node in metadata proxy
3[MetadataProxy] MP524203Edge node not a member of cluster.Ensure the edge node is a member of the cluster
4[MetadataProxy] MP524204Maximum limit for metadata proxies reached.Reduce metadata proxies number
5[MetadataProxy] MP524205Invalid certificate in metadata proxy.Provide the valid certificate in metadata proxy
6[MetadataProxy] MP524206Malformed server address in metadata proxy.Provide the valid server address in metadata proxy
7[MetadataProxy] MP524207Invalid port in server address in metadata proxy.Provide the valid port in server address in metadata proxy
8[MetadataProxy] MP524208Invalid schema in server url in metadata proxy. Valid schemas are http and https.Provide the valid schema in server url in metadata proxy
9[MetadataProxy] MP524209Invalid IP in server url., and ~ can not be used as server IP.Provide the valid IP in server url
10[MetadataProxy] MP524210Invalid server url. Domain name length exceeds maximum.Reduce Domain name length
11[MetadataProxy] MP524211Invalid server url. Localhost can not be used as server name.Avoid to use localhost as server name.
12[MetadataProxy] MP524212Invalid host name in server url.Provide the valid host name in server url
13[MetadataProxy] MP524213Edge cluster members must be empty to enable standby relocation in metadata proxy.Ensure Edge cluster members are empty, the can enable standby relocation in metadata proxy


 Error CodesMeaningRecommended Action
1[NAT] MP508001NAT can have only one service entry.Ensure one service entry for NAT
2[NAT] (MP508002 - refactored to MP508024 NAT_INVALID_CIDR)Invalid Source Network.Provide the valid Source Network
3[NAT] MP508003 - refactored to MP508024 NAT_INVALID_CIDRInvalid Destination Network.Provide the valid Destination Network
4[NAT] MP508004 - refactored to MP508024 NAT_INVALID_CIDRInvalid Translated Network.Provide the valid Translated Network
5[NAT] MP508005Invalid Translated Ports.Provide the valid Translated Ports
6[NAT] MP508006Invalid scope path, Scope path for NAT rule must be of type Tier1, Tier1Interface, Tier0, Tier0Interface, LocaleService or Label with references of said types.Provide the valid scope path
7[NAT] MP508007There should be exactly one service entry in service path.Ensure one service entry in service path
8[NAT] MP508008Invalid NAT Id.Provide the valid NAT Id
9[NAT] MP508009Invalid sequence number passed for NAT, valid values are for INTERNAL NAT section range is 0 - 1023, USER section 0 - 2147481599 and for DEFAULT section 0 - 1023.Provide the valid sequence number passed for NAT
10[NAT] MP508010NAT object with id is null or does not exist.Check if NAT object is vaild
11[NAT] MP508011Invalid destination port in service entry of service path. For NAT rule, destination port value should be a single port.Provide a single port as destination port
12[NAT] MP508012NAT action is not supported on the HaMode.Current NAT rule is not supported on the HaMode, change NAT rule type
13[NAT] MP508013Realized NAT rule for realized path does not exist.Re-realize the NAT rule
14[NAT] MP508014Realized NAT rule is already exists with realized path. Not creating new one.Execute update instead of creation
15[NAT] MP508015The tier-0 interface path must belong to the same tier-0 path for which the NAT Rule is created.Ensure tier-0 interface path is belong to the same tier-0 path while the NAT Rule is created
16[NAT] MP508016NAT rule does not support service entry type.Avoid to configure service entry type for current rule
17[NAT] MP508017Invalid Label path is specified in scope for NAT Rule.Provide the valid Label path in scope for NAT Rule
18[NAT] MP508018Realization path for scope with path not found. Failed to get uplink logical router port from MP. NAT rule realization failed.Provide the valid label path in scope for NAT Rule
19[NAT] MP508019By adding this NAT rule, the count of NAT rules on MP will exceed maximum rules allowed for a logical router.Reduce the count of NAT rules for the logical router
20[NAT] MP508020Unable to get NAT rule count for logical router from MP.Check connectivity between Policy and MP
21[NAT] MP508021Disallow different IP address count for NAT rule.User same IP address count for NAT rule
22[NAT] MP508022IP range is not supported for NAT rule.Use single IP for NAT rule
23[NAT] MP508023IP list is not supported for NAT rule.Use single IP for NAT rule
24[NAT] MP508024Invalid CIDR in rule.Provide the valid CIDR in rule
25[NAT] MP508025Invalid IP format.Provide the valid IP address
26[NAT] MP5080261:M SNAT is not supported.Configure other mapping type for SNAT
27[NAT] MP508027The loopback address can not be used as translated IP(s).Avoid loopback address as translated IP(s)
28[NAT] MP508028Entity is mandatory for NAT.Ensure mandatory entity for NAT

[NAT] MP508029

Entity must be empty for NAT.Ensure entity is empty for NAT
30[NAT] MP508030Default scope path for NAT rule is emptyEnsure default scope path is not empty
31[NAT] MP508033Invalid IP address. Quad-zero address is disallowed in NAT.Provide the valid IP address
32[NAT] MP508034Invalid IP format. IP list must be of IPv4 addresses only.Provide the valid IPv4 addresses only
33[NAT] MP508035Invalid NAT rule action for HA mode. Only REFLEXIVE action is supported on ACTIVE-ACTIVE stateless router.Use REFLEXIVE rule on ACTIVE-ACTIVE stateless router
34[NAT] MP508036The Tier1 router path as scope must be the same Tier1 path under which the NAT Rule is created.Ensure Tier1 router path as scope is belong to the same Tier1 path
35[NAT] MP508037The valid values for scope under Tier1 NAT rule are Tier1 Interface or Label with references of said types.Provide the valid scope under Tier1
36[NAT] MP508038The Tier0 path as scope must be the same tier0 router path under which the NAT Rule is created.Ensure Tier0 path as scope is belong to the same tier0 router path
37[NAT] MP508039Unable to get NAT rule stats for logical router from MP.Please check logical router status
38[NAT] MP508040Nat Rule with path is not yet realized.Re-realize the Nat rule
39[NAT] MP508042The tier-1 interface path must belong to the same tier-1 path for which the NAT Rule is created.Ensure tier-1 interface path is belong to the same tier-1 path
40[NAT] MP508043Only BYPASS is supported for firewall_match on a NO_SNAT/NO_DNAT rule. But entity is provided.Ensure firewall_match with BYPASS
41[NAT] MP508044Label updation is invalidating the object path.Check Lablel of the object path
42[NAT] MP508045The valid values for scope under Tier0 NAT rule are Tier0 Interface and label containing Tier0 interfaces.Provide the valid scope with Tier0 Interface
43[NAT] MP508048Invalid IPv6 address. Should be the list of IPv6 address.Provide the valid IPv6 address
44[NAT] MP508049Invalid NAT64 firewall_match type. Should be null or BYPASS.Provide the valid NAT64 firewall_match type
45[NAT] MP508050Invalid NAT64 action. Should be NAT64 only.Use NAT64 rule
46[NAT] MP508051Invalid NAT64 embedded IPv4 address from destination address.Provide the valid NAT64 embedded IPv4 address from destination address
47[NAT] MP508052Invalid NAT64 translated address. Should be single IP address, IP set or IP range and do not use multicast/broadcast/loopback/reserved/any address.Provide the valid NAT64 translated address
48[NAT] MP508053All zero IPv6 address is not allowed.Avoid to use all zero IPv6 address
49[NAT] MP508054Fail to create IP object.Please check IP format
50[NAT] MP508055Invalid NAT64 destination IPv6 address prefix. Should be 96 or 128.Provide the valid NAT64 destination IPv6 address prefix with 96 or 128
51[NAT] MP508056Invalid NAT64 scope. Should be up-link or router-link.Provide the valid NAT64 scope with up-link or router-link
52[NAT] MP508057Invalid NAT64 destination IPv6 address. IPv6 multicast prefix is not allowed.Provide the valid NAT64 destination IPv6 address, it cannot be IPv6 multicast prefix
53[NAT] MP508058Invalid NAT64 service entry. Only TCP or UDP service entry is supported.Provide the valid NAT64 service entry with TCP or UDP service entry
54[NAT] MP508059Invalid NAT64 translated address. Composite addresses are not allowed.Provide the valid NAT64 translated address, it cannot be composite addresses
55[NAT] MP508060Invalid NAT64 translated address. CIDR is not allowed.Provide the valid NAT64 translated address, it cannot be CIDR
56[NAT] MP508061Provider interface IP address cannot be a loopback IP.Avoid to use loopback IP as interface IP address
57[NAT] MP508062The tier-0 interface type is not supported for the NAT scope path.Avoid to use tier-0 interface type as NAT scope path