CNF Auto Rollback on Upgrade Patch
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CNF Auto Rollback on Upgrade Patch


Article ID: 314255


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VMware Telco Cloud Automation


When performing a CNF upgrade using the upgrade API with a wait flag set for both the helm charts, if the wrong values file is supplied, the CNF Upgrade will fail and the upgrade rollback operation will not occur and the system will show an exception error.




Addressed in TCA 2.2+


The patch must be applied to both the TCA Manager (TCA-M) and the TCA Control Plane (TCA-CP) appliances.

Patch TCA-M or TCA-CP for CNF Auto Rollback

  1. SSH to TCA-M or TCA-CP as admin and back up the currentnfv_vim_service-1.0.jar file:
    • cd /tmp
    • cp /opt/vmware/Services/nfv_vim_service_1.0/nfv_vim_service-1.0.jar nfv_vim_service-1.0_original.jar
  2. Download the attached nfv_vim_service-1.0.jar file.
  3. Replace the current nfv_vim_service-1.0.jar file:
    • cp nfv_vim_service-1.0.jar /opt/vmware/Services/nfv_vim_service_1.0/nfv_vim_service-1.0.jar
  4. Switch to the  root user:
    • su -
  5. Restart the app engine:
    • systemctl restart app-engine
  6. Wait for 2-3 mins for the services to restart. 


nfv_vim_service-1.0.jar get_app