"Error fetching resource Internal Server Error" - Management cluster CRs are not part of the regular backup so when you restore in another machine these CRs will be missing.
"Namespace not found Internal server error" - TCA-CP Minikube's kubeconfig is machine dependant will be different for different machines, kbs kubeconfig has old minikube config reference and when restored it is not updated.
scp backup-and-restore-patch.tar.gz admin@<tca-cp-ip>:~/backup-and-restore-patch.tar.gz
ssh admin@<tca-cp-ip> "tar -xvzf ~/backup-and-restore-patch.tar.gz -C /opt/vmware/bin/"
ssh admin@<tca-cp-ip> "cd /opt/vmware/bin/; chown admin:secureall backup.sh restore.sh && chmod 744 backup.sh restore.sh"