Patch Script for TKG Cluster Certificate Renewal
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Patch Script for TKG Cluster Certificate Renewal


Article ID: 314181


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VMware Telco Cloud Automation


This document contains the Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) scripts to renew TKG cluster certificates and update the certificate data and KUBECONFIG stored in TCA Manager and TCA-CP appliances.


2.0, 2.1.x, and 2.2


1.  Validate jumpbox environment for prerequisites

The script is required to be executed from a linux machine which has access to TCA-M and all the TCA-CP involved. Please verify and confirm that required ports 22 (SSH), 443 (web UI) and 9443 (appliance management) are open from jumpbox to TCA-M & TCA-CP(s) involved in the cert renewal process. 

The jumpbox machine requires the following packages to be installed:

  1. python3 (3.8.10 or higher)
  2. paramiko (2.11.0 or higher)
  3. requests (2.28.2 or higher)
  4. boto3 (1.26.119 or higher)
Python 3.8.10
# For more details on installing python, review the Python Beginners Guide. 

# If paramiko package is NOT found then use following command to install 
python3 -m pip install paramiko

# If requests package is NOT found then use following command to install 
python3 -m pip install requests

# If boto3 package is NOT found then use following command to install 
python3 -m pip install boto3

2. Download patch scripts and untar them

Download the version specific patch script file from this article and save the file to the /tmp folder of the jumpbox machine. 
NOTE: Please empty the /tmp directory prior to copying over the patch script file, as other files present in /tmp can interfere with the patch file script. 

From the /tmp directory, untar the patch script files using the following commands:
# unzip the tarball to get the scripts and files under the cert-rotation-v1-X folder, where X can be the version of TCA.
  tar -xzvf cert-rotation-v1-X.tar.gz
# change to the cert-rotation-v1 directory
  cd cert-rotation-v1-X
# unzip the tarball to get the master scripts for cert-renewal 
  tar -xzvf master-kubeconfig-script-main.tar.gz 
# change to the master-kubeconfig-script-main directory
  cd master-kubeconfig-script-main

3. (Optional) Update the included config.json file with AWS Secret Manager details

Using a text editor, update the config.json file with AWS Secret Manager access tokens to fetch TCA & TCA-CP passwords from the password manager.

  vi config.json
  "SECRET_NAME": "<secret_key_name>",
  "REGION_NAME": "<region_name>",

4. Run the script to get cert validity from TCA-M

Use chmod to update the execution permissions on the script, then run with the below command. This will generate a clusters.json file with all clusters certificate expiration details.

NOTE: A csv file with cluster cert expiry details (clusterData.csv) will also be created in the same path where the script is invoked. This can be used for reporting and planning purposes.

# change access permissions for file
  chmod +x 
# execute the script to retrieve cert validity details of clusters
./ --help
./ [-h] --tcam_fqdn TCAM_FQDN [--date DATE] [--creds CREDS]
  The script can then be executed by passing the creds.json file with the --tca_cp_creds flag -- See Additional Information
# Check the log file generated on on tca-manager appliance for errors.
  cat /tmp/cluster-kubeconfig-tool/run.log | grep ERROR
# NOTE: Verify the clusters.json file size. If the file is 0 bytes, re-run the script to ensure the file is correctly saved to the jumpbox.

5.  Create a backup of the TCA-M mongoDB collections

Log into TCA Manager as the admin user and use the following command to create backups of the following two collections:
mongodump --db hybridity --collection VimTenants --archive=/tmp/VimTenants.json
  mongodump --db hybridity --collection K8sClusterDetails --archive=/tmp/K8sClusterDetails.json

6. Run the cluster certificate rotation script from the jumpbox

Update the permissions for the file:
chmod +x

Once cluster and password details are finalized and a mongoDB backup has been created, trigger the master script to invoke the certificate rotation.

NOTE: The script expects config.json and clusters.json to be present in the same directory as

# To specify certain clusters for certificate renewal, the --cert_renew_clusters flag should be used
# ./  --tca_m_fqdn <tca_m_fqdn> --cert_renew_clusters <cluster_name_1> <cluster_name2> 

NOTE: TCA 2.0 requires the --skip_appliance_mgmt_patch true flag to be used.
Example for TCA 2.1, and 2.2:
# ./ --help
# ./ [-h] [--tca_cp_creds TCA_CP_CREDS] [--cert_renew_clusters CERT_RENEW_CLUSTERS [CERT_RENEW_CLUSTERS ...]] --tca_m_fqdn TCA_M_FQDN [--skip_appliance_mgmt_patch SKIP_APPLIANCE_MGMT_PATCH]

Example for TCA 2.0:
# ./ --tca_m_fqdn --cert_renew_clusters wrkld_cluster wrkld_cluster_2 --skip_appliance_mgmt_patch true

# If the script requires to be ran again on the same market TCA-CP, the TCA-CP war file patch can be skipped by using the --skip_appliance_mgmt_patch flag.
./  --tca_m_fqdn <tca_m_fqdn> --skip_appliance_mgmt_patch true
# Logging for the operation is located in kubeconfig-update.log.
vi kubeconfig-update.log



Additional Information

If the AWS Secret Manager details are unavailable, the alternate option is to manually create a creds.json file with the TCA-M and TCA-CP credentials.

Using a text editor, create a creds.json file and populate it with all TCA-M & TCA-CP passwords, using the below format for reference:

  vi creds.json
Include base64 encoded passwords for all the TCA-CPs involved in the the creds.json file. You can encode a password into Base64 by executing the following command:
echo -n 'Password' | base64
NOTE: The -n flag is required to prevent a line break from being added to the encoded password.

    "<tca_m_fqdn>": {
        "admin": "<base64 encoded password for tca m appliance for admin user>"
    "<tca_cp_fqdn_1>": {
        "admin": "<base64 encoded password for tca cp appliance for admin user>",
        "root": "<base64 encoded password for tca cp appliance for root user>"
    "<tca_cp_fqdn_2>": {
        "admin": "<base64 encoded password for tca cp appliance for admin user>",
        "root": "<base64 encoded password for tca cp appliance for root user>"

The script can then be executed by passing the creds.json file with the --tca_cp_creds flag:
./ --tca_cp_creds creds.json --tca_m_fqdn tca_m_fqdn
NOTE: Replace tca_m_fqdn with the FQDN of the TCA Manager.


2.2.x-cert-rotation-v1.tar.gz get_app
2.1.x-cert-rotation-v1.tar.gz get_app
2.0.x-cert-rotation-v1.tar.gz get_app