[VCDR] Unable to attach a second Recovery SDDC within VCDR
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[VCDR] Unable to attach a second Recovery SDDC within VCDR


Article ID: 314156


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery VMware Cloud on AWS


Provide a known limitation within the VCDR product.

When attempting to attach a second Recovery SDDC to VCDR the following error is seen, "Different management subnet." It is confirmed a second Protected Site and Cloud File System are deployed within the same AZ as the second Recovery SDDC attempting to be attached within VCDR. 


VCDR restricts the ability to attach a second Recovery SDDC that does not have the same management CIDR as the initial Recovery SDDC attached. This is due to the way the SCFS mounts to the Rcovery SDDC, using the ORGs nasConfig setting.


This will be resolved in a future release.

Additional Information

VCDR will not attach more than one Recovery SDDC, if the two SDDCs have different Management CIDRs.