Identify a known condition in the VM that will prevent VR to replicate the resized hard disk.
Vsphere replication halts after a disk resize on a vm from vcenter UI. Issue is seen when using VMware Site Recovery.
The size of a vmdk in the VM may be configured with an odd size and/or with decimal values.
See Workaround section.
Manual workaround steps:
Prerequisite: ensure no backups are running on the source VM, disable all backup operations temporarily.
1. Access the vCenter with source affected VM name (object) --> Select "Actions" --> Select "Edit Settings.."
2. In the disk hardware configuration section for the disks, ensure that the disk values are in multiple of 1024 bytes (see example)
Note: the value seen in the UI is cut-off and actually has been appended at the end with integers '558794', for example: "1.8100000000558794 TB". These disks 7 and 8 would need to be identified as 1024 bytes.
3. Select the dropdown and change the disk sizing category from TB --> GB (sizing type) in order to add an appropriate integer value (without any trailing decimal point values). In the above example a value of 1855 GB was used to resolve the issue
4. Click "OK" button to save the VM settings
Note: Once the hard disk size is updated, VR will automatically attempt to reconfigure the replication.
Vpshere replication will halt for the VM.