[VMC on AWS] Disk Space limits for Folders and Content Libraries
Article ID: 314103
Updated On:
VMware Cloud on AWS
To provide information regarding the namespace limit for WorkloadDatastore objects.
Symptoms: When performing operations within their WorkloadDatastore, you may receive disk space errors although the datastore has adequate space available. You may experience the following:
Error 'Insufficient disk space on datastore'
Unable to upload files to a Content Library on WorkloadDatastore
Other Content Library operations are failing
VMC datastores are provisioned using vSAN technology. Folders within vSAN are namespaces which are limited to a maximum size of 255GB. The root folder of a Content Library is namespace object in vSAN. For example: If a folder or Content library contains 253GB of ISO files, adding a 3GB ISO file will fail as the namespace limit is exceeded.
To workaround this limit, create another folder or content library to within the WorkloadDatastore.