"Failed to configure vNic 0 for VM XX. Unable to find the DVPortgroup corresponding to Network: [] on Host: host-XX" error when trying to change the network on a NIC in Cloud Director.
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"Failed to configure vNic 0 for VM XX. Unable to find the DVPortgroup corresponding to Network: [] on Host: host-XX" error when trying to change the network on a NIC in Cloud Director.


Article ID: 314065


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • "Failed to configure vNic 0 for VM XX. Unable to find the DVPortgroup corresponding to Network: [] on Host: host-XX" error when trying to change the network on a NIC.
  • Cannot modify a NIC when editing a VM network.


VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 10.x


This issue occurs due to the absence of Host to Network association records in the Cloud Director Database.


This is a known issue affecting VMware Cloud Director 10.3.1, 10.3.2, and 10.3.3 versions.
The issue is resolved in VMware Cloud Director 10.4, available at Download Broadcom products and software.

If you cannot upgrade to Cloud Director 10.4, please open a Support Request.