See the following message in the VM:Secure conole - HCPDTV040E Device 0600 does not exist HCPDTV040E Device 0601 does not exist HCPDTV040E Device 0602 does not exist ...
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See the following message in the VM:Secure conole - HCPDTV040E Device 0600 does not exist HCPDTV040E Device 0601 does not exist HCPDTV040E Device 0602 does not exist ...


Article ID: 31404


Updated On:


VM:Secure for z/VM


During the new start of VM:Secure the following messages are written the spooled console, but not on 'live terminals': 

12:40:33 VMSECURE 000A VMXMSG0222I Rules facility initialization successful. 

12:40:33 VMSECURE 0006 VMXCFG0023I CA VM:Secure initialization complete on 08/17/15. 

HCPDTV040E Device 0600 does not exist 

HCPDTV040E Device 0601 does not exist 

HCPDTV040E Device 0602 does not exist 


HCPDTV040E Device 06FE does not exist 

HCPDTV040E Device 06FF does not exist 


12:40:33 VMSECURE 000D VMXAIF1264I Starting VMSECURE RECLAIM agent process. 



Release: SECVTM00200-3.1-Secure VTAM


The HCPDTV messsages that you see at startup are given due to some changes we made to RECLAIM processing for SSI support. 

Those changes went into the r3.0 CA RS tape (RS1203) which is PTF RO42830. 


The msgs are nuisance messages as we're giving them based on a QUERY during RECLAIM processing to clean up the 600-6FF series of disks. 


Though we prevent the resultant HCPDTV040E messages for the DETACHes from displaying on a 'live terminal' via SET EMSG OFF, that does not prevent them from being in the closed console.