This is a 3rd party issue. HPE-MEM plugIn is not working as expected for ATS commands for VMW_VAAIP_LHN plugin.
To resolve this issue, the rules that allow the VMW_VAAIP_LHN plugin to claim these iSCSI sessions must be removed.
Step 1: On the ESXi host, verify the plugin list:
# esxcli storage core plugin registration list | grep -i LH
vmw_vaaip_lhn VMW_VAAIP_LHN VAAI
hpe-satp-lh HPE_SATP_LH SATP
hpe-psp-lh HPE_PSP_LH PSP
Step 2: Verify the VMW_VAAIP_LHN plugin has claimed the SAN volumes:
# esxcli storage core device vaai status get
ATS Status: supported
Clone Status: supported
Zero Status: supported
Step 3: Remove the default VAAI and Filter claim rules:
# esxcli storage core claimrule remove -c VAAI --rule 65435
# esxcli storage core claimrule remove -c Filter --rule 65435
Step 4: Reboot the ESXi host.
Step 5: After reboot, verify the the VAAI plugin field is blank on the volume connections:
# esxcli storage core device vaai status get
VAAI Plugin Name: <blank> <== should be blank for your Lefthand devices
ATS Status: supported
Clone Status: supported
Zero Status: supported
This indicates the Native T10 plugin has ownserhip of the connections.
HPE advisory: