How to manually add a second NIC to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7/7.X for VCHA
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How to manually add a second NIC to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7/7.X for VCHA


Article ID: 313943


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VMware vCenter Server


This article explains how to add a second network interface to a vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7/7.X

This should only be done as a prerequisite to enabling vCenter High Availability (VCHA) using the Advanced deployment option.
In all other instances, adding additional network interfaces to a vCenter Server Appliance is not supported.


VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x


Adding a new Network Adapter to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7/7.X virtual machine

You can add a second network adapter using either the vSphere Web Client, the vSphere Client or the ESXi Host Client.

Using the vSphere Web Client

  1. Log in to the vCenter Sever instance that is managing the vCenter Server Appliance virtual machine.
  2. Locate the virtual machine, right-click the VM and select Edit Settings.
  3. Under New Device, select Network and click Add.
  4. Expand New Network and ensure the Adapter Type is VMXNET3 and the Correct Network Portgroup is selected.
  5. Click OK.
Using the vSphere Client (HTML5)
  1. Log in to the vCenter Sever instance that is managing the vCenter Server Appliance virtual machine.
  2. Locate the virtual machine, right-click the VM and select Edit Settings.
  3. Select Add New Device and choose Add New Network Adapter.
  4. Expand New Network and ensure the Adapter Type is VMXNET3 and the Correct Network Portgroup is selected.
  5. Click OK.
Using the ESXi Host Client
  1. Log in to the ESXi host that is running the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 virtual machine.
  2. Select Virtual Machines.
  3. Locate the virtual machine, right-click the VM and select Edit Settings.
  4. Select Add network adapter.
  5. Expand New Network Adapter and ensure the Adapter Type is VMXNET3 and the Correct Network Portgroup is selected.
  6. Click OK.

Configuring a new Network Adapter on the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5/6.7/7.X

  1. Open the VAMI Interface to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 by pointing a browser at https://<IP_Address>:5480.
  2. Log in using the root account.
  3. Navigate to Networking > Manage.
  4. Under Networking Interfaces click the Edit.
  5. Expand nic1.
  6. Select Use the following IPv4 settings.
  7. Provide the IPv4 Address and Prefix to be used for the Active Node for the vCenter HA Network.
  8. Uncheck Obtain IPv6 settings automatically through router advertisement.

Additional Information

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