Error reported in Hardware status tab in the vSphere Web Client
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Error reported in Hardware status tab in the vSphere Web Client


Article ID: 313934


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


Logging in to vSphere Web Client without Global permissions results in an error similar to the following in the Hardware Status tab in the vSphere Web Client.

No host data available

Note: Hardware-Health Data was not displayed to users with minimum read privilege on the host object. Logging in to vSphere Web Client with Global Permissions, Hardware-Health under Hardware Status tab for the same host is displayed to the user.


VMware vSphere Web Client 6.0.x


This issue is resolved in vSphere 6.0 Update 3. For minor upgrades, perform the following steps to resolve the issue. It is applicable for all upgrades from 6.0.x to 6.0 Update 3.

Un-register vpxd-extension

  1. Go to https://<VC-IP>/invsvc/mob1
  2. Login as administrator
  3. Click on UnregisterProvider
  4. Enter provider UUID as 'vpxd-extension'
  5. Click on invoke method.

Register vpxd-extension

  1. Stop VMware System and Hardware Health Manager service
  2. Delete the contents of vmware-vws

    For Windows vCenter Server, delete the content from ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\data\core\vmware-vws

    For vCenter Server Appliance, delete the contents from /var/core/vmware-vws
  1. Start VMware System and Hardware Health Manager service
  2. Wait for Hardware-Health to be re-registered.
  3. To confirm on Managed Object Browser (MOB), click on RetrieveProviderConfig enter vpxd-extension as provider UUID.