VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade from 4.2.x to 4.3 fails with error "FAILED_TO_UPDATE_VDS"
Article ID: 313851
Updated On:
VMware Cloud Foundation
Symptoms: While upgrading VCF from 4.2 or 4.2.1 to 4.3, applying config-drift bundle will fail with FAILED_TO_UPDATE_VDS error.
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.2 VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3
While applying the config drift, is_used_by_nsxt field for VDS is updated to true for the VDS used for NSX. The update API for VDS fails to update the VDS , if the VDS doesn’t have any DVPG(s).
Currently there is no resolution.
Workaround: To work around this issue, please follow the below steps:
Ignore the failure for Config Drift application from UI
Login to Postgres from SDDC Manager VM. (using command # psql -h localhost -U postgres).
Connect to the platform db. "\c platform;"
Select all from the VDS table "select * from vds;"
Identify the VDS which is being used for NSXT networking and verify that is_used_by_nsxt is true (t) for this VDS. If it is true jump to step 8. If is_used_by_nsxt is false (f) for this VDS, continue with next step.
Update the VDS table to set is_used_by_nsxt to true for VDS identified in previous step. (Command : # update vds set is_used_by_nsxt='t' where id='<VDS-Id>'; )
Select all from VDS table and verify that is_used_by_nsxt is upgraded for respective VDS