VMware Cloud Foundation Network Pool delete is not available after a failed WLD creation, even though hosts are decommissioned
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VMware Cloud Foundation Network Pool delete is not available after a failed WLD creation, even though hosts are decommissioned


Article ID: 313789


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VMware Cloud Foundation


WLD Domain creation task fails during "Create VCF Domain Inventory Object Action" and a similar error log is present in /var/log/vmware/vcf/domainmanager/domainmanager.log on the SDDC Manager:
ERROR [vcf_dm,60a85256b1d98ee8,a786][c.v.v.c.f.a.BaseCreateVcfClusterObjectAction,dm-exec-5] Could not fetch network for type

Also the network pool used for the domain cannot be deleted, even though the hosts associated with it are decommissioned:
  •  Button in UI is grayed out with message that there are associated ESXi Hosts.
  • API delete request produce a similar error in /var/log/vmware/vcf/commonsvcs/vcf-commonsvcs.log: NETWORKPOOL_IPADDRESSES_IN_USE Deletion of network pool c38d14a8-2c95-4203-a846-9b8978b02e25 prevented. IP Addresses in use


A vSAN portGroup transportType is used in Domain Creation API, while the associated network pools of the hosts used, do not contain a vSAN network.


Do not use the consumed IP addresses of the used network pool.

Manually delete the allocated IPs by the failed Domain Creation in the database, or the whole network_pool if it is not used by other hosts. Steps:
  1.  Log into the SDDC Manager and switch to root user
  2. Execute the following command for the network pool that needs to be deleted (name-of-network-pool in the example):
2.1 delete from vcf_network where id in (select vcf_network_id from vcf_network_and_network_pool where network_pool_id=(select id from network_pool where name='name-of-network-pool'));
2.2 delete from vcf_network_and_network_pool where network_pool_id=(select id from network_pool where name='name-of-network-pool');
2.3 delete from network_pool where name='name-of-network-pool';